out; the girls come in.
ARINA brings in a dish and covers it] Sit down
and sing the dish songs;
I’m so fond of them.
LYUBOV GORDEYEVNA, MASHA, LIZA, and ANNA IVANOVNA take off their rings and put them into the dish; the girls sing.
“Sow the wheat, my mother,
and bake the cake for me.
Many guests are coming, my
lovers for to be. Glory!
Your guests will wear bast slippers, but mine have boots of hide. Glory! The girl of whom the song is sung, much good it doth betide. Glory!
The girl whose ring is taken
out, will find it so without a
doubt. Glory!”
RAZLYULYAYEV rolls up his sleeves, takes out a ring and gives it to LYUBOV GORDEYEVNA.
PELAGEYA EGOROVNA. High time, high time!
GIRLS. [Sing]
“In Belgorod a sparrow
small, Glory!
In Belgorod sits on a wall.
In a strange land he looks
about. Glory!
Her ring and fortune will
come out. Glory!”
ARINA. [Enters] The mummers have come; shall I let them in?
PELAGEYA EGOROVNA. Yes, let them in; let them have a dance. And you girls can sing afterwards.
The same and mummers; an OLD MAN with a balalaika or guitar, a TRAINER with a bear and goat, EGORUSHKA with molasses.
OLD MAN. [Bowing] To all this honest company, greeting!
TRAINER. Make a bow, Mishka! [The bear bows.
OLD MAN. Do you wish me to sing and dance and amuse you, and to limber up my old bones?
PELAGEYA EGOROVNA. That’s all right; yes,
dance! Give them some wine,
ARINA serves the wine; some of them drink.
OLD MAN. Thank you humbly for your kind words, and for the entertainment. [Sings.
“Our lads, though stripped
unto the buff,
Even so are bold enough.
Their twelve hands go weaving
Now the web of cloth is done.
They made kaftans for us here;
Kaftans do not cost you dear
When you’ve grist within
your hopper.
In our purses silver bright
Will not let us sleep at night.
And the jingling coins of
For the tavern raise the call.
Tapster Andrew, quick undo
The inn-door. We’ve
a kaftan new
Here to put in pawn with you;
We won’t take it home
at all.”
[Goes to one side.
EGORUSHKA. [Dances with the molasses]
“Molasses! Molasses!
It simmers so sweet.
Oh, winter is bitter,
The frost and the sleet.
Stormy and snowy, oh, ways
choked with snow,
Unto my darling there’s
no way to go.