The Bullitt Mission to Russia eBook

William Bullitt
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 147 pages of information about The Bullitt Mission to Russia.

The Bullitt Mission to Russia eBook

William Bullitt
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 147 pages of information about The Bullitt Mission to Russia.
shall agree that hostilities against one another shall cease on all fronts within these territories on April 20 at noon; that fresh hostilities shall not be begun during the period of this armistice, and that no troops or war material of any kind whatever shall be transferred to or within these territories so long as the armistice shall continue.  The duration of the armistice shall be for two weeks unless extended by mutual consent.
The allied and associated Governments propose that such of these Governments as are willing to accept the terms of this armistice, shall send not more than three representatives each, together with necessary technical experts, to Christiania, where they shall meet on April 25 with representatives of the allied and associated Governments in conference to discuss peace ’and the provisioning of Russia, upon the basis of the following principles: 
1.  All signatory Governments shall remain, as against each other, in full control of the territories which they occupy at the moment when the armistice becomes effective, subject to such rectifications as may be agreed upon by the conference, or until the peoples inhabiting these territories shall themselves voluntarily determine to change their government.
2.  The right of free entry, sojourn, circulation, and full security shall be accorded by the several signatories to the citizens of each other; provided, however, that such persons comply with the laws of the country to which they seek admittance, and provided also-that they do not interfere or attempt to interfere in any way with the domestic politics of that country.
3.  The right to send official representatives enjoying full liberty and immunity shall be accorded by the several signatories to one another.
4.  A general amnesty shall be granted by the various signatories to all political or military opponents, offenders, and prisoners who are so treated because of their association or affiliation with another signatory, provided that they have not otherwise violated the laws of the land.

          5.  Nationals of one signatory residing or detained
          in the country of another shall be given all
          possible facilities for repatriation.

6.  The allied and associated Governments will immediately withdraw their armed forces and further military support from the territory of the former Russian Empire, including Finland and the various Governments within that territory shall effect a simultaneous reduction of armed forces according to a scheme of demobilization and control to be agreed upon by the conference.
7.  Any economic blockade imposed by one signatory as against another shall be lifted and trade relations shall be established, subject to a program of equitable distribution of supplies and utilization of transport facilities to be agreed upon
Project Gutenberg
The Bullitt Mission to Russia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.