equalization. Accordingly the senate had exerted
itself to curtail these Latin communities—however
important they were for Rome—as far as
possible, in their rights and privileges, and to convert
their position from that of allies to that of subjects,
so far as this could be done without removing the
wall of partition between them and the non-Latin communities
of Italy. We have already described the abolition
of the league of the Latin communities itself as well
as of their former complete equality of rights, and
the loss of the most important political privileges
belonging to them. On the complete subjugation
of Italy a further step was taken, and a beginning
was made towards the restriction of the personal rights—that
had not hitherto been touched—of the individual
Latin, especially the important right of freedom of
settlement. In the case of Ariminum founded
in 486 and of all the autonomous communities constituted
afterwards, the advantage enjoyed by them, as compared
with other subjects, was restricted to their equalization
with burgesses of the Roman community so far as regarded
private rights —those of traffic and barter
as well as those of inheritance.(34) Presumably about
the same time the full right of free migration allowed
to the Latin communities hitherto established—the
title of every one of their burgesses to gain by transmigration
to Rome full burgess-rights there—was,
for the Latin colonies of later erection, restricted
to those persons who had attained to the highest office
of the community in their native home; these alone
were allowed to exchange their colonial burgess-rights
for the Roman. This clearly shows the complete
revolution in the position of Rome. So long as
Rome was still but one among the many urban communities
of Italy, although that one might be the first, admission
even to the unrestricted Roman franchise was universally
regarded as a gain for the admitting community, and
the acquisition of that franchise by non-burgesses
was facilitated in every way, and was in fact often
imposed on them as a punishment. But after the
Roman community became sole sovereign and all the
others were its servants, the state of matters changed.
The Roman community began jealously to guard its
franchise, and accordingly put an end in the first
instance to the old full liberty of migration; although
the statesmen of that period were wise enough still
to keep admission to the Roman franchise legally open
at least to the men of eminence and of capacity in
the highest class of subject communities. The
Latins were thus made to feel that Rome, after having
subjugated Italy mainly by their aid, had now no longer
need of them as before.
Non-Latin Allied Communities
Lastly, the relations of the non-Latin allied communities were subject, as a matter of course, to very various rules, just as each particular treaty of alliance had defined them. Several of these perpetual alliances, such as that with the Hernican communities,(35) passed over to a footing of complete equalization with the Latin. Others, in which this was not the case, such as those with Neapolis(36), Nola(37), and Heraclea(38), granted rights comparatively comprehensive; while others, such as the Tarentine and Samnite treaties, may have approximated to despotism.