reference presumably to the renewal of agricultural
operations that followed midwinter and the season
of rest, the twelfth, and in an ordinary year the
last, from cleansing (-februarius-). To this
series recurring in regular succession there was added
in the intercalary year a nameless “labour-month”
(-mercedonius-) at the close of the year, viz.
after February. And, as the Roman calendar was
independent as respected the names of the months which
were probably taken from the old national ones, it
was also independent as regarded their duration.
Instead of the four years of the Greek cycle, each
composed of six months of 30 and six of 29 days and
an intercalary month inserted every second year alternately
of 29 and 30 days (354 + 384 + 354 + 383 = 1475 days),
the Roman calendar substituted four years, each containing
four months—the first, third, fifth, and
eighth—of 31 days and seven of 29 days,
with a February of 28 days during three years and
of 29 in the fourth, and an intercalary month of 27
days inserted every second year (355 + 383 + 355 +
382 = 1475 days). In like manner this calendar
departed from the original division of the month into
four weeks, sometimes of 7, sometimes of 8 days; it
made the eight-day-week run on through the years without
regard to the other relations of the calendar, as our
Sundays do, and placed the weekly market on the day
with which it began (-noundinae-). Along with
this it once for all fixed the first quarter in the
months of 31 days on the seventh, in those of 29 on
the fifth day, and the full moon in the former on the
fifteenth, in the latter on the thirteenth day.
As the course of the months was thus permanently
arranged, it was henceforth necessary to proclaim
only the number of days lying between the new moon
and the first quarter; thence the day of the newmoon
received the name of “proclamation-day”
(-kalendae-). The first day of the second section
of the month, uniformly of 8 days, was—in
conformity with the Roman custom of reckoning, which
included the -terminus ad quem- —designated
as “nine-day” (-nonae-). The day
of the full moon retained the old name of -idus- (perhaps
“dividing-day"). The motive lying at the
bottom of this strange remodelling of the calendar
seems chiefly to have been a belief in the salutary
virtue of odd numbers;(9) and while in general it
is based on the oldest form of the Greek year, its
variations from that form distinctly exhibit the influence
of the doctrines of Pythagoras, which were then paramount
in Lower Italy, and which especially turned upon a
mystic view of numbers. But the consequence was
that this Roman calendar, clearly as it bears traces
of the desire that it should harmonize with the course
both of sun and moon, in reality by no means so corresponded
with the lunar course as did at least on the whole
its Greek model, while, like the oldest Greek cycle,
it could only follow the solar seasons by means of
frequent arbitrary excisions, and did in all probability