The Subbassi of Pera payeth him yeerely fifteene thousande ducats, and so likewise either of the others according as they are placed.
The Ressistop serueth in office to the Viceroy and Chancellor, as Secretary, and so likewise doeth the Cogie Master of the Rolls, before which two, passe all writings presented to, or granted by the said Viceroy and Chancellor, offices of especiall credite and like profile, moreouer rewarded with annuities of lands.
There are also two chiefe Iudges named Cadi Lesker, the one ouer Europe, and the other ouer Asia and Africa, which in Court doe sit on the Bench at the left hand of the Bassas. These sell all offices to the vnder Iudges of the land called Cadies, whereof is one in euery Citie or towne, before whom all matters in controuersie are by iudgement decided, as also penalties and corrections for crimes ordained to be executed vpon the offenders by the Subbassi.
The number of Souldiers continually attending vpon
the Beglerbegs the
gouernours of Prouinces and Saniacks,
and their petie Captaines
mainteined of these Prouinces.
The Beglerbegs of
Graecia, fourtie thousand persons.
Buda, fifteene thousand persons.
Sclauonia, fifteene thousand persons.
Natolia, fifteene thousand persons.
Caramania, fifteene thousand persons.
Armenia, eighteene thousand persons.
Persia, twentie thousand persons.
Vsdrum, fifteene thousand persons.
Chirusta, fifteene thousand persons.
Caraemiti, thirtie thousand persons.
Gierusal, two and thirtie thousand persons.
The Beglerbegs of
Bagdat, fiue and twentie thousand persons.
Balsara, two and twenty thousand persons.
Lassaija, seuenteene thousand persons.
Alepo, fiue and twentie thousand persons.
Damasco, seuenteene thousand persons.
Cayro, twelue thousand persons.
Abes, twelue thousand persons.
Mecca, eight thousand persons.
Cyprus, eighteene thousand persons.
Tunis in Barbary, eight thousand persons.
Tripolis in Syria, eight thousand persons.
Alger, fourtie thousand persons.
Whose Sangiacks and petie Captaines be three hundred sixtie eight, euery of which retaining continually in pay from fiue hundreth to two hundreth Souldiers, may be one with another at the least, three hundreth thousand persons.
Chiefe officers in his Seraglio about his person. Be these—
Capiaga, High Porter.
Alnader Bassi, Treasurer.
Oda Bassi, Chamberlaine.
Killergi Bassi, Steward.
Saraiaga, Comptroller.
Peskerolen, Groome of the chamber.
Edostoglan, Gentleman of the Ewer.
Sehetaraga, Armour bearer.
Choataraga, he that carieth his riding
Ebietaraga, Groome of the stoole.
There be many other maner Officers, which I esteeme superfluous to write.