The times or seasonable windes called Monsons, wherein
the ships depart
from place to place in the East Indies.
Note that the Citie of Goa is the principall place of all the Orientall India, and the winter there beginneth the 15 of May with very great raine, and so continueth till the first of August, so that during that space, no shippe can passe ouer the barre of Goa, because through the continuall shoures of raine all the sandes ioyne together neere vnto a mountaine called Oghane, and all these sandes being ioyned together, runne into the shoales of the barre and port of Goa, and can haue no other issue, but to remaine in that port, and therefore it is shut vp vntill the first of August, but at the 10 of August it openeth by reason of the raine which ceaseth, and the sea doeth then scoure the sands away againe.
The monson from Goa to the Northward, to say, for
Chaul, Diu, Cambaia,
Daman, Basaim, and other places.
The ships depart from betwixt the tenth and 24 of August, for the Northward places abouesayde, and to these places they may saile all times of the yeere, except in the winter, which beginneth and endeth at the times abouesaid.
The monson from the North parts, for Goa.
The ships depart from Chaul, Diu, Cambaia, and other
places Northwards for
Goa, betwixt the 8 and 15 of Ianuarie, and come to
Goa about the end of
The first monson from Diu for the straight of Mecca.
The ships depart from Diu about the 15 of Ianuarie, and returne from the straights to Diu in the moneth of August.
The second monson from Diu for the straight of Mecca.
The ships depart betwixt the 25 and first of September, and returne from the straights to Diu, the first and 15 of May.
The monson from Secutra for Ormus.
The ships depart about the tenth of August for Ormus:
albeit Secutra is an
Iland and hath but few ships, which depart as abouesaid.
The monson wherein the Moores of the firme land come to Goa.
About the fifteenth of September the Moores of the firme lande beginne to come to Goa, and they come from all parts, as well from Balaguate, Bezenegar, as also from Sudalacan, and other places.
The monson wherein the Moores of the firme land depart from Goa.
They depart from Goa betwixt the 10 and 15 day of Nouember. Note that by going for the North is ment the departing from Goa, for Chaul, Diu, Cambaia, Daman, Basaim, Ghassain, and other places vnto Zindi: and by the South is vnderstood, departing from Goa, for Cochin, and all that coast vnto Cape Comori.
The first monson from Goa for Ormus.
The shippes depart in the moneth of October from Goa, for Ormus, passing with Easterly windes along the coast of Persia.
The second monson from Goa to Ormus.
The ships depart about the 20 of Ianuarie passing by the like nauigation and windes as in the first monson, and this is called of the Portugals and Indians Entremonson.