I was fully determined to goe for Venice by the way
of Ormus, [Sidenote: Goa was besieged.] and at
that time the Citie of Goa was besieged by the people
of Dialcan, but the Citizens forced not this assault,
because they supposed that it would not continue long.
For all this I embarked my selfe in a Galley that
went for Goa, meaning there to shippe my selfe for
Ormus: but when we came to Goa, the Viceroy would
not suffer any Portugal to depart, by reason of the
warres. And being in Goa but a small time, I fell
sicke of an infirmitie that helde mee foure moneths:
which with phisicke and diet cost me eight hundreth
duckets, and there I was constrained to sell a smal
quantitie of Rubies to sustaine my neede: and
I solde that for fiue hundreth duckets, that was worth
a thousand. And when I beganne to waxe well of
my disease, I had but little of that money left, euery
thing was so scarse: For euery chicken (and yet
not good) cost mee seuen or eight Liuers, which is
sixe shillings, or sixe shillings eight pence.
Beside this great charges, the Apothecaries with their
medicines were no small charge to me. At the
ende of sixe moneths they raised the siege, and then
I beganne to worke, for Iewels were risen in their
prices: for whereas before I sold a few of refused
Rubies, I determined then to sell the rest of all
my Iewels that I had there, and to make an other voyage
to Pegu. [Sidenote: Opium a good commoditie in
Pegu.] And for because that at my departure from Pegu,
Opium was in great request, I went then to Cambaya
to imploy a good round summe of money in Opium, and
there I bought 60. percels of Opium, which cost me
two thousand and a hundreth duckets, euery ducket at
foure shillings two pence. Moreouer I bought
three bales of Bombast cloth, which cost me eight
hundred duckats, which was a good commoditie for Pegu:
when I had bought these things, the Viceroy commanded
that the custome of the Opium should be paide in Goa,
and paying custome there I might cary it whither I
would. I shipped my 3. bales of cloth at Chaul
in a shippe that went for Cochin, and I went to Goa
to pay the aforesaid custome for my Opium, and from
Goa I departed to Cochin in a ship that was for the
voyage of Pegu, and went to winter then at S. Tome.
When I come to Cochin, I vnderstood that the ship
that had my three bales of cloth was cast away and
lost, so that I lost my 800. Serafins or duckats:
and departing from Cochin to goe for S. Tome, in casting
about for the Island of Zeilan the Pilote was deceiued,
for that the Cape of the Island of Zeilan lieth farre
out into the sea, and the Pilot thinking that he might
haue passed hard aboord the Cape, and paying roomer
in the night; when it was morning we were farre within
the Cape, and past all remedy to go out, by reason
the winds blew so fiercely against vs. So that
by this meanes we lost our voyage for that yere, and
we went to Manar with the ship to winter there, the
ship hauing lost her mastes, and with great dilligence