that they ought vpon paryll of theyr sowle not to
forgete/ by negligence ne rechelesnes to gyue one
medecyne for an other/ In suche wyse that they be
not slears of men/ And that they do putte no false
thynges In her spyces for to empayre or encrecynge
the weyght. For yf they so doo they may better
be callyd theuys than espiciers or apotecayris/ And
they that ben acustomed to make oynements they ought
to make hyt proprely of true stuf and of good odoure
after the receptes of the auncyent doctours/ And after
the forme that the phisicyens and cyrurgyens deuyse
vnto them/ Also they ought to beware that for none
auayle ne gyfte that they myght haue/ that they put
in theyr medicynes no thynge venemous ner doynge hurte
or scathe to ony persone of whom they haue none good
ne veray knowlege/ to thende that they to whom the
medicynes shold be gyuen/ torne not to them hurte
ne domage/ ne in destructions of theyr neyghbours/
and also that they that haue mynystrid tho thyngis
to them/ ben not taken for parteners of the blame
and of the synne of them The cyrurgyens ought also
to be debonayr. amyable. & to haue pytye of their
pacyents. And also they ought not be hasty to
launse and cutte apostumes and soores/ ne open the
heedes/ ner to arrache bones broken/ but yf the cause
be apparant/ For they myght ellys lose theyr good renome
And myght better be callyd bouchers than helars or
guarisshors of woundes and soores And also hit behoueth
that alle this maner of peple foresayd that haue the
charge for to make hole and guarisshe alle maner of
maladyes and Infirmitees that they first haue the
cure of themself/ and they ought to purge themself
fro alle apostumes and alle vices/ In suche wyse that
they be net and honeste and enformed in alle good maners/
And that they shewe hem hole and pure & redy for to
hele other And herof sayth Boecius de Consolacione
In his first booke that the sterres that ben hid vnder
the clowdes maye gyue no light. And therfore yf
ony man wole beholde clerly the verite. Late
hym wythdrawe hym fro the obscurete and derkenes of
the clowdes of ignorance/ for whan the engyne of a
man sheweth in Ioye or in sorowe/ The pensee or thought
is enuoluped in obscurete & vnder the clowdes.
The sixthe chapitre of the thirde book treteth
of the sixth pawn/ whiche is lykened to tauerners
hostelers and vitayllers.
The sixthe pawn whiche standeth to fore the Alphyn
on the lyfte syde is made in thys forme. For
hit is a man that hath the right hande stracched oute
as for to calle men/ And holdeth in his lyfte hande
a loof of breed and a cuppe of wyn/ And on his gurdell
hangynge a boudell of keyes/ And this resembleth the
Tauerners. hostelers. and sellars of vitaylle.
And thise ought proprely to be sette to fore the/
Alphyn as to fore a Iuge For ther sourdeth ofte tymes
amonge hem contencion noyse and stryf/ whiche behoueth
to be determyned and trayted by the alphyn/ whiche
is Iuge of the kynge/ And hit apperteyneth to them