the malice of Caym may ensue and folowe Abel/ And thus
hit apperteyneth to the labourer to sette and graffe
trees and vygnes/ and also to plante and cutte them
And so dyde noe whiche was the first that planted
the vygne after y’e deluge and flood For as Iosephus
reherceth in y’e book of naturell thinges Noe
was he that fonde fyrst the vygne/ And he fonde hym
bitter and wylde/ And therfore he toke .iiii. maners
of blood/ that is to wete the blood of a lyon. the
blood of a lamb, the blood of a swyne. and the blood
of an ape and medlid them alto geder with the erthe/
And than he cutte the vygne/ And put this aboute the
rootes therof. To thende that the bitternes shold
be put away/ and that hyt shold be swete/ And whan
he had dronken of the fruyt of this vygne/ hit was
so good and mighty that he becam so dronke/ that he
dispoylled hym in suche wise y’t his pryuy membres
might be seen/ And his yongest sone cham mocqued and
skorned hym And whan Noe was awakid & was sobre &
fastinge/ he assemblid his sones and shewid to them
the nature of the vygne and of the wyn/ And told to
them the caufe why y’t he had put the blood
of the bestes aboute the roote of the vygne and that
they shold knowe well y’t otherwhile by y’e
strength of the wyn men be made as hardy as the lyon
and yrous And otherwhile they be made symple & shamefast
as a lambe And lecherous as a fwyn/ And curyous and
full of playe as an Ape/ For the Ape is of suche nature
that whan he seeth one do a thynge he enforceth hym
to doo the same/ and so doo many whan they ben dronke/
they will medle them wyth alle officers & matiers that
apperteyne no thynge to them/ And whan they ben fastynge
& sobre they can scarfely accomplisshe theyr owne
thynges And therfore valerian reherceth that of auncyente
and in olde tyme women dranke no wyn for as moche
as by dronkenship they myght falle in ony filthe or
vilonye And as Ouide sayth/ that the wyns otherwhyle
apparaylle the corages in suche manere that they ben
couenable to alle synnes whiche take away the hertes
to doo well/ They make the poure riche/ as longe as
the wyn is in his heed And shortly dronkenshyp is
the begynnynge of alle euyllys/ And corrompith the
body/ and destroyed the fowle and mynusshith the goodes
temporels/ And this suffyseth for the labourer.
The seconde chapitre of the thirde tractate treteth
of the forme and maner of the second pawne and of
the maner of smyth.
The seconde pawne y’t standeth to fore the knyght
on the right side of the kynge hath the forme and
figure of a man as a smyth and that is reson For hit
apperteyneth to y’e knyghtes to haue bridellys
sadellys spores and many other thynges made by the
handes of smythes and ought to holde an hamer in his
right hande. And in his lyfte hand a dolabre and
he ought to haue on his gyrdell a trowell For by this
is signefied all maner of werkemen/ as goldsmithes.
marchallis, smithes of all forges/ forgers and makers
of monoye & all maner of smythes ben signefyed by