kept entierly/ thus by this richesse pouerte is not
only corrupt in thyse dayes ner the cyte ner the maners/
but also the thoughtes of the men ben corrupt by thys
couetyse and by felonnye that is worse. than ony other
enemye And of the cruelte of the peple of rome speketh
the good man of noble memorye Iohn the monke late
cardynall of rome in the decretall the syxte in the
chapitre gens sancta where he sayth/ that they ben
felo[=u]s ayenst god. contrarye to holy thynges. traytres
one to that other. enuyous to her neyghbours. proude
vnto straungers. rebelle and vntrewe vnto theyr souerayns
Not suffringe to them that ben of lower degree than
they and nothinge shamfast to demande thinges discouenable
and not to leue tyll they haue that they demande/
and not plesid but disagreable whan they haue resseyuyd
the yeft They haue their tonges redy for to make grete
boost/ and doo lityll/ They ben large in promysynges/
And smale gyuers/ they ben ryght fals deceyuours/
And ryght mordent and bitynge detractours/ For whiche
thynge hit is a grete sorowe to see the humylite the
pacyence And the good wisedom that was woute to be
in this cyte of rome whiche is chief of alle the world
is peruertid & torned in to maleheurte and thise euylles/
And me thynketh that in other partyes of crestiante
they haue taken ensample of them to doo euyll/ They
may saye that this is after the decretale of seygnourye
and disobeysance/ that sayth That suche thynges that
the souerayns doo/ Is lightly and sone taken in ensample
of theyr subgets/ Also thise vicayres shold be large
and liberall/ In so moche that suche peple as serue
them ben duly payd and guerdoned of her labour/ For
euery man doth his labour the better and lightlyer
whan he seeth that he shall be well payd and rewarded/
And we rede that Titus the sone of vaspasian was so
large and so liberall/ That he gaf and promysyd somewhat
to euery man/ And whan hys moste pryuy frendes demanded
of hym why he promysid more that he myght gyue/ he
answerd for as moche as hyt apperteyneth not to a prynce
that ony man shold departe sorowfull or tryste fro
hym/ Than hit happend on a day that he gaf ner promysid
no thynge to ony man And whan hit was euen auysed
hymself/ he sayd to hys frendes/ O y’e my frendes
thys day haue I lost for this day haue I don no good,’
And also we rede of Iulius Cefar that he neuer saide
in alle his lyue to his knyghtes goo oon but all way
be sayde come come/ For I loue allway to be in youre
companye/ And he knewe well that hit was lasse payne
& trauayll to the knyghtes whan the prynce is in her
companye that loueth hem & c[=o]forted hem And also
we rede of the same Iulius cesar in the booke of truphes
of phylosophers/ that ther was an Auncyent knyght
of his that was in paryll of a caas hangynge to fore
the Iuges of rome so he callyd cefar on a tyme and
said to hym to fore all men that he shold be his aduocate
And cesar deliueryd and assigned to hym a right good
aduocate And the knyght sayd to hym O cesar I put
no vicaire in my place whan thou were in parill in