the/ we haue also well lawes to kepe in batayll & warre
As in our contres & other places/ and we wole obserue
and kepe them vnto euery man as they ought to be kept
And we ben armed agaynst our enemyes y’t wole
defende them And not ayenst them y’t can not
saue their lyf whan their contre is taken/ as thise
lityll children/ Thou hast vaynquysshid them as moche
as is in the by thy newe deceyuable falsenes and by
subtilnes and not by armes/ but I that am a romayn
shall vainquysshe them by craft and strengthe of armes/
And anon he comanded to take the said scole maister/
And to bynde his handes behynde hym as a traytour
and lede hem to the parentis of the children And whan
the faders & parentis sawe the grete courtosie that
he had don to them They opend the yates and yelded
them vnto hym/ we rede that hanyball had taken a prince
of rome whiche vpon his oth and promyse suffrid hym
to gon home/ and to sende hym his raunson/ or he shold
come agayn within a certain tyme And whan he was at
home in his place/ he sayde that he had deceyuyd hym
by a false oth And whan the senatours knewe therof/
they constrayned hym to retorne agayn vnto hanyball/
Amos florus tellyth that the phisicien of kynge pirrus
cam on a nyght to fabrice his aduersarye And promyfid
hym yf he wold gyue hym for his laboure that he wold
enpoysone pirrus his maister/ whan fabricius vnderstode
this He dyde to take hym and bynde hym hande & foote/
and sente hym to his maistre and dyde do saye to hym
word for worde lyke as the physicien had sayd and promysid
hym to doo/ And whan pirrus vnderstode this he was
gretly ameruaylled of the loyalte and trouth of fabrice
his enemye/ and sayd certaynly that the sonne myghte
lighther and sonner be enpesshid of his cours/ than
fabrice shold be letted to holde loyalte and trouthe/
yf they than that were not cristen were so Iuste and
trewe and louyd their contrey and their good renomee/
what shold we now doon than that ben cristen and that
cure lawe is sette alle vpon loue and charyte/ But
now a dayes ther is nothynge ellys in the world but
barate Treson deceyte falsenes and trecherye Men kepe
not theyr couenantes promyses. othes. writynges. ne
trouthe/ The subgettis rebelle agayn theyr lorde/
ther is now no lawe kepte. nor fidelite/ ne oth holden/
the peple murmure and ryse agayn theyr lord and wole
not be subget/ they ought to be pietous in herte/ whiche
is auaillable to all thinge ther is pite in effecte
by compassion/ and in worde by remission and pardon/
by almesse/ for to enclyne hymself to the poure For
pite is nothynge ellis but a right grete will of a
debonaire herte for to helpe alle men/ Valerius reherceth
that ther was a Iuge named sangis whiche dampned a
woman that had deseruyd the deth for to haue her heed
smyten of or ellis that she shold dye in prison/ The
Geayler that had pite on the woman put not her anone
to deth but put her in the pryson/ And this woman
had a doughter whiche cam for to se and conforte her
moder But allway er she entryd into the pryson the