self and also thy knyghtes/ I haue herd moche of thy
grete hyenes And y’t thou art more myghty and
puyssant in cheualrye & in dispensis than is Alexander/
and therfore I am come to the a pour knyght whiche
am named Antygone for to serue the/ Than hit is the
custome in the Courte of Alexandre/ that what thynge
a knyght is seruyd wyth all is alle his/ mete and
vayssell and cuppe And therfore I had supposid that
this custome had ben kept in thy court for thou art
richer than he/ whan the knyghtes herd this/ an[=o]n
they lefte porus/ and wente for to serue alixandre/
and thus he drewe to hym y’e hertes of them by
yeftes/ whiche afterward slewe Porus that was kynge
of Inde/ And they made Alexandra kynge therof Therfore
remembre knyght alleway that wyth a closid and shette
purse shalt thou neuer haue victorye. Ouyde sayth
that he that taketh yeftes/ he is glad therwyth/ For
they wynne wyth yeftes the hertes of the goddes and
of men For yf Iupiter were angrid/ wyth yestes he
wold be plesid/ The knyghtes ought to be stronge not
only of body but also in corage. Ther ben many
stronge and grete of body/ that ben faynt and feble
in the herte/ he is stronge that may not be vaynquysshid
and ouercomen/ how well that he suffryth moche otherwhile/
And so we beleue that they that be not ouer grete
ne ouer lityll ben most corageous & beste in batayll.
We rede that cadrus duc of athenes shold haue a batayll
agayn them of polipe/ And he was warned and had a reuelacion
of the goddes/ that they shold haue the victorie of
whom the prynce shold be slayn in the batayll/ And
the prince whiche was of a grete corage and trewe
herte Toke other armes of a poure man/ And put hymself
in the fronte of the batayll to thende that he might
be slain And so he was/ for the right trewe prince
had leuer dye Than his peple shold be ouercomen/ And
so they had the victorye/ Certes hyt was a noble and
fayr thynge to expose hym self to the deth for to
deffende his contrey. But no man wold doo so/
but yf he hopyd to haue a better thynge therfore/
Therfore the lawe sayth that they lyue in her sowles
gloriously that ben slain in the warre for the comyn
wele A knyght ought also to be mercifull and pyetous
For ther is nothynge y’t maketh a knyght so
renomed as is whan he sauyth the lyf of them that he
may slee/ For to shede and spylle blood is the condicion
of a wylde beste and not the condicion of a good knyght
Therfore we rede that scylla that was Duc of the Romayns
wyth oute had many fayr victoyres agaynst the Romayns
wyth Inne that were contrayre to hym/ In so moche
that in the batayll of puylle he slewe .xviii. thousand
men/ And in champanye .lxx. thousand. And after
in the cyte he slewe thre thousand men vnarmed And
whan one of his knyghtes that was named Quyntus catulus
sawe this cruelte sayd to hym/ Sesse now and suffre
them to lyue and be mercyfull to them wyth whom we
haue ben victorious And wyth whom we ought to lyue/
For hit is the most hyest and fayr vengeance that
a man may doo/ as to spare them & gyue hem her lyf