And alle maner thynge that apperteyneth to a knyght/
And his doughters he made hem to lerne. to sewe. to
spynne. to laboure as well in wolle as in lynnen cloth/
And alle other werkis longynge to women And whan his
frendes demanded wherfore he dyde so/ he answerd how
well that he was lord & syre of alle the world/ yet
wyste he not what shold befalle of his children and
whether they shold falle or come to pouerte or noo/
and therfore yf they conne a good crafte they maye
alleway lyue honestly/ The Quene ought to kepe her
doughters in alle chastyte/ For we rede of many maydens
that for theyr virginite haue ben made quenes/ For
poule the historiagraph of the lombardes reherceth
y’t ther was a duchesse named remonde whiche
had .iii. sones & two doughters And hit happend that
the kynge of hongrye cantanus assaylled a castell
where she behelde her enemyes And amonge all other
she sawe the kynge that he was a well faryng and goodly
man/ Anone she was esprised and taken wyth his loue/
And that so sore/ that forthwith she sent to hym that
she wold deliuere ouer the castell to hym yf he wold
take her to his wyf and wedde her And he agreed therto/
and sware that he wold haue her to his wyf on that
condicion/ whan than the kynge was in the castell/
his peple toke men and women and alle that they fonde/
her sones fledde from her/ of whom one was named Ermoaldus
and was yongest/ and after was duc of boneuentan/ And
syn kynge of the lumbardis. And the two susters
toke chikens And put hem vnder her armes next the
flessh and bytwene her pappes/ that of the heete &
chaffyng the flessh of the chikens stanke. And
whan so was that they of hongrye wold haue enforcid
& defowled hem anone they felte the stenche and fledde
away and so lefte hem sayng/ fy how these lombardes
stynke/ and so they kept their virginite/ wherfore
that one of them afterward was Quene of france And
that other Quene of Aleman/ And hit happend than that
the kynge Catanus toke acordynge to his promyse the
duchesse/ and laye with her one night for to saue
his oth And on the morn he made her comune unto alle
the hongres/ And the thirde day after he dyde doo put
a staf of tre fro the nether part of her/ thurgh her
body vnto her throte or mouthe/ for be cause of the
lust of her flessh she betrayed her cyte and sayd
suche husbond/ suche wyf &c And this sufficeth of the
The thirde chapitre of the seconde tractate treteth of the alphyns her offices and maners.
The Alphyns ought to be made and formed in manere of Iuges syttynge in a chayer wyth a book open to fore their eyen/ And that is be cause that some causes ben crymynell/ And some ben cyuyle as aboute possessyons and other temporell thynges and trespaces/ And therfore ought to be two Iuges in the royame/ one in the black for the first cause/ And that other in whyte as for the seconde/ Theyr office is for to counceyll the kynge/ And to make by his comandements good lawes And to enforme alle the royame in good and vertuous maners/