the of pardon foryfnes & absolucion of the trespas
but not of the payne/ and he y’t hath doon this
synne to me hit shall ben to his meschance yf y’e
doo your deuoir/ And be cause no woman take ensample
of lucresse and lyue after the trespaas/ but that
she in lyke wyse take ensample also of the payne And
forthwyth wyth a swerd that she helde under her gowen
or robe/ she roof her self unto the herte And deyde
forthwyth to fore them/ And than brute the counseillr
And her husbond collatyn and alle her other frendes
swore by the blood of lucresse that they wold neuer
reste vnto the tyme that they had put out of rome
tarquyn and and alle his lignee/ And that neuer after
none of them shold come to dignite/ And alle this was
doon. For they bare the dede corps thurgh the
cyte and meuyd the peple in suche wyse/ that tarquyn
was put in exyle And fixte his sone was slayn/ A Quene
ought to be well manerd & amonge alle she ought to
be tumerous and shamefast/ For whan a woman hath loste
shamefastnes/ she may ner can not well be chaast/
Wherfore saith symachus that they that ben not shamefast
haue no conscience of luxurye/ And saynt Ambrose saith
that oon of the best parements and maketh a woman
most fayr in her persone/ is to be shamefast/ Senecque
reherceth that ther was oon named Archezille whiche
was so shamefast That she put in a pelow of fethers
a certain some of money/ and put hit vnder y’e
heed of a pour frende of heeris/ whiche dissimyled
his pouerte and wold not ner durst not be a knowen
of his pouerte For for shame she durst not gyue hit
openly/ but had leuer that he shold fynde hit/ than
that she had gyuen hit hym/ Wherfore otherwhile men
shold gyue & helpe her frendes so secretly That they
knowe not whens hit come/ For whan we kepe hit secret
and make no boost therof/ our deedes and werkes shall
plese god and them also/ A Quene ought to be chosen
whan she shall be wedded of the most honest kynrede
and peple/ For oftentymes the doughters folowen the
tacches and maners of them that they ben discended
from/ Wherof Valerius maximus sayth that ther was one
that wold marye/ whiche cam to a philosopher and axid
counceyll what wif he might best take He answerd that
he shold take her that thou knowe certaynly that her
moder and her grauntdame haue ben chaast and well
condicioned/ For suche moder/ suche doughter comunely/
Alfo a quene ought to teche her childern to ben contynent
and kepe chastite entyerly/ as hit is wreton in ecclesiastes/
yf thou haue sones enseigne and teche them/ And yf
thou haue doughters kepe well them in chastite/ For
helemonde reherceth that euery kynge & prynce ought
to be a clerke for to comande to other to studye and
rede the lawe of our lord god/ And therfore wrote
themperour to the kynge of france that he shold doo
lerne hys children sones the seuen sciences lyberall/
And saide amonge other thynges that a kynge not lettryd
resembleth an asse coroned/ Themperour Octauian maad
his sones to be taught and lerne to swyme. to sprynge
and lepe. to Iufte. to playe wyth the axe and swerde/