Sir Hu. What impudent slaves are these!—But are you sure the gentlewoman is with child?
Sir Gef. Sure? doe you question it, Sir? Bunch, be ready, Bunch, to write their confessions quickly.
Bunch. They are not come yet to confession, sir.
Sir Gef. Noe matter for that, Bunch; with the Judges leave weele here their confession before they come, that we may know the better to state the cause when they doe come. Ist not best, thinke you?
Sir Hu. Who shall speake for them, thinke you?
Sir Gef. No matter whether any man speake nor noe: we know he killed the man, and she comanded him, ergo they are guilty; ergoe that must be their confession, scilicet that they are guilty. Write this, Bunch, and then we will perpend, as law and Judgment guides us, whether we will save or condemne. How say you, sir?
Crac. Oh well don, uncle! I knew[128] he would prove what he said, otherwise I would have venturd a sillogisme in Baraly[p]ton to have made it evident.
[Suc.[129] But with your favour, gentlemen; suppose he did unlive Thurston in faire duell?
Sir Hu. No duell can be fayre, cause tis against The kingdomes lawes.
Suc. The kingdomes lawes! how shall
A Gent[leman] that has a blemish cast
Upon his life, faire reputac[i]on,
Have satisfaction then? allow no duells!
Hel! a man of armes had better live in woods
And combate wolves then among such milke sops.
The kingdomes lawes!
Crac. Patience, good Captaine; we will have duells lawful.
Suc. Tis fit they should, being legitimacy managd, sir.]
Enter Constable and Prisoners.
Sir Gef. O, soe; are you come? weele tickle you ifaith.
Con. Soe please you, heare are the prisoners.
Sir Hu. Tis well, we have waited them.
I should have bin more fortunate to have scene you
In any place but this; and here,
In any other cause then this, I would use you
As the precedent carridge of your life
Has merited, but cannot: y’are a prisoner
Convict of murder, a most hideous crime
Gainst law and nature.
Sir Gef. Yes, marry is it, and that she shall find ere we have don. Bunch, read their indictments, Bunch. She had as good have married me, I warrant her.
Sir Hu. Good Sir Geffrey, silence a while. Who is the accuser?
Con. Here.
Sir Hu. What have you, freind, to object against this lady?
Con. That she confesd it was by her procurement and comaunde her sonn murderd young Thurston.
Lady. Please you, sir, that a poore prisoner may entreate one favour.
Sir Gef. Yes, you shall have favour!