2 D. W. Or why there’s sprung up
now a new devotion?
Good Gentlewoman, no. Do you see this fellow?
He is a Scholler and a parlous Scholler,
Or whether he be a Scholler or no ’tis not a
doy’t matter:
He’s a fine talker and a zealous talker;
We can make him thinck what we list, say what we list,
Print what we list and whom we list abuse in’t.
Eng.-gentw. And a Teacher do you say?
2 D. W. A singuler teacher, For so we hold such here.
Eng.-gentw. Doe they use no modestie Upon my life, some of theis new Arminians, Theis hissing tosts!
Hold. An ignorant strange woman, Whose faith is onely tride by a Coach and foure horses.
3 D. W. Come, you must be as we are and the rest of your Countrywomen; You doe not know the sweet on’t.
Eng.-gentw. Indeed, nor will not;
Our Cuntry brings us up to faire Obedience
To know our husbands for our Governours,
So to obey and serve ’em: two heads make
Nor Dare we thinck of what is don above us,
Nor talk of Graves.
Hold. The Grave shall smart for ’t shortly; Goe you and tell him soe, gooddy English woman: You have long tayles and long tongues, but we shall clip ’em.
Enter Vandermitten.[155]
I D. W. How now? what haste?
Vand. The Prince is drawing up to us
And has disarmd all the strong Townes about us
Of our new Soldiers; the English now stand
And the old Companies.
Eng.-gentw. Now your wisdomes, Ladies,
Your learning also, Sir, your learned prating—
You that dare prick your eares up at great Princes
And doble charge your tongue with new opinions,—
What can you doe? or can theis holly woemen
That you have arm’d against obedience
And made contempners of the fooles their husbands,
Examiners of State,—can they doe any thing?
Can they defy the Prince?
Hold. They shall defie him, And to his face: why doe not ye raise the Burgers And draw up the new Companies?
Enter Leidenberge?[156]
Leid. Away, good women!
This is no sport for you: goe, cheere your husbands
And bid ’em stand now bravely for their liberties.
Arnam and Roterdam and all about us
Have yeilded him obedience; all the new Companies
Purgd and disarmd. Goe you; talke to the Arminians,
And raise their harts. Good Ladies, no more Councells:
This is no time to puppet in.
1 D. W. We are gon, Sir,
2 D. W. And will so coniure up our lazie husbands.
Eng.-gentw. And coniure wisely, too; the
devill will faile else.
Leid. What’s she?
Vand. An English woman.