Some of the results obtained by him in his experimental researches.
What is to-day owing to him for his discovery and investigation of all forms of magneto-electric induction.
His discovery of the relations between light and magnetism.
Action of glass and other solid substances on a beam of polarized light.
His paper on “Magnetization of Light and the Illumination of the Lines of Magnetic Force”.
His contribution (1845) on the “Magnetic Condition of All Matter”.
Investigation of the phenomena which he calls “the Magne-crystallic force”.
Extent of his work in the electro-chemical field.
His invention of the first dynamo.
His alternating-current transformer.
Induction coils and their use in producing the Roentgen rays.
Edison’s invention of the fluoroscope.
Faraday’s gift to commercial science of the electric motor.
His dynamo-electric machine.
Modern electric transmissions of power.
Tesla’s multiphase alternating-current motor.
Faraday’s electric generator and motor.
The telephone, aid given by Faraday’s discoveries in the invention and use of the transmitter.
Modern power-generating and transmission plants a magnificent testimonial to the genius of Faraday.
Death and honors.
Medicine and surgery.
By frank P. Foster, M.D.
Jenner demonstrates efficacy of vaccination against small-pox.
Debt to the physicists, chemists, and botanists of the new era.
Appendicitis (peritonitis), its present frequency.
Experimental methods of study in physiology.
Hahnemann, founder of homoeopathy, and physical diagnosis of the sick.
The clinical thermometer and other instruments of precision.
Animal parasites the direct cause of many diseases.
Bacteria and the germ theory of disease.
Pasteur, viruses, and aseptic surgery.
Consumption and its germ; the corpuscles and their resistance to bacterial invasion.
Antitoxines as a cure in diphtheria.
Their use in surgery; asepticism and Lord Lister.
Listerism and midwifery.
American aid in the treatment of fractures.
Use of artificial serum in disease treatment.
Koch’s tuberculin and its use in consumption.
Chemistry as a handmaid of medicine.
Brown-Sequard and “internal secretions”.
Febrile ailment and cold-water applications.
Surgical anaesthetics; Long, Morton, and Simpson.
Ovariotomy operations by McDowell and Bell.
Professional nursing.
Virchow and the literature of medicine, anatomy, and physiology; his death; his “Archiv,” “Cellular-Pathology,” etc.