Beacon Lights of History, Volume 13 eBook

John Lord
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Beacon Lights of History, Volume 13.

Beacon Lights of History, Volume 13 eBook

John Lord
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Beacon Lights of History, Volume 13.
of his fortunes.  He pretended to be poor when he was independent in his circumstances.  He supposed himself to be without vanity, while he was notoriously the most conceited man in France.  He quarrelled with all his friends.  He made war on society itself.  He declared himself a believer in Christianity, but denied all revelation, all miracles, all inspiration, all supernaturalism, and everything he could not reconcile with his reason.  His bitterest enemies were the atheists themselves, who regarded him as a hypocrite, since he professed to believe in what he undermined.  The hostility of the Church was excited against him, not because he directly assailed Christianity, but because he denied all its declarations and sapped its authority.

Rousseau was, however, a sentimentalist rather than a rationalist, an artist rather than a philosopher.  He was not a learned man, but a bold thinker.  He would root out all distinctions in society, because they could not be reconciled with his sense of justice.  He preached a gospel of human rights, based not on Christianity but on instinct.  He was full of impracticable theories.  He would have no war, no suffering, no hardship, no bondage, no fear, and even no labor, since these were evils, and, according to his notions of moral government, unnecessary.  But in all his grand theories he ignored the settled laws of Providence,—­even those of that “Nature” he so fervently worshipped,—­all that is decreed concerning man or woman, all that is stern and real in existence; and while he uttered such sophistries, he excited discontent with the inevitable condition of man, he loosened family ties, he relaxed wholesome restraints, he infused an intense hatred of all conditions subject to necessary toil.

The life of this embittered philanthropist was as great a contradiction as were his writings.  This benevolent man sends his own children to a foundling hospital.  This independent man lives for years on the bounty of an erring woman, whom at last he exposes and deserts.  This high-minded idealizer of friendship quarrels with every man who seeks to extricate him from the consequences of his own imprudence.  This affectionate lover refuses a seat at his table to the woman with whom he lives and who is the mother of his children.  This proud republican accepts a pension from King George III., and lives in the houses of aristocratic admirers without payment.  This religious teacher rarely goes to church, or respects the outward observances of the Christianity he affects.  This moral theorizer, on his own confession, steals and lies and cheats.  This modest innocent corrupts almost every woman who listens to his eloquence.  This lofty thinker consumes his time in frivolity and senseless quarrels.  This patriot makes war on the institutions of his country and even of civilized life.  This humble man turns his back on every one who will not do him reverence.

Such was this precursor of revolutions, this agitator, this hypocrite, this egotist, this lying prophet,—­a man admired and despised, brilliant but indefinite, original but not true, acute but not wise; logical, but reasoning on false premises; advancing some great truths, but spoiling their legitimate effect by sophistries and falsehoods.

Project Gutenberg
Beacon Lights of History, Volume 13 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.