The World's Greatest Books — Volume 02 — Fiction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 415 pages of information about The World's Greatest Books — Volume 02 — Fiction.

The World's Greatest Books — Volume 02 — Fiction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 415 pages of information about The World's Greatest Books — Volume 02 — Fiction.

II.—­The Plot and Capture

Well, upon a time there was one Diabolus, a mighty giant, made an assault upon the famous town of Mansoul, to take it, and make it his own habitation.  This Diabolus was first one of the servants of King Shaddai, by whom he was raised to a most high and mighty place.  But he, seeing himself thus exalted to greatness and honour, and raging in his mind for higher state and degree, what doth he but begin to think with himself how he might set up as lord over all, and have the sole power under Shaddai—­but that the king had reserved for his son.  Wherefore Diabolus first consults with himself what had best to be done, and then breaks his mind to some others of his companions, to which they also agreed.  So they came to the issue that they should make an attempt upon the king’s son to destroy him, that the inheritance might be theirs.

Now, the king and his son, being all and always eye, could not but discern all passages in his dominions; wherefore, what does he but takes them in the very nick, and the first trip that they made towards their design, convicts them of the treason, horrid rebellion, and conspiracy that they had devised, and casts them altogether out of all place of trust, benefit, honours, and preferment; and this done, he banishes them the court, turns them down into horrid pits, never more to expect the least favour at his hands.

Banished from his court, you may be sure they would now add to their former pride, malice and rage against Shaddai.  Wherefore, roving and ranging in much fury from place to place, if perhaps they might find something that was the king’s, they happened into this spacious country of Universe, and steered their course to Mansoul.  So when they found the place, they shouted horribly on it for joy, saying:  “Now have we found the prize, and how to be revenged on King Shaddai!” So they sat down and called a council of war.

Now, with Diabolus was, among others, the fierce Alecto, and Apollyon, and the mighty giant Beelzebub, and Lucifer, and Legion.  And Legion it was whose advice was taken that they should assault the town in all pretended fairness, covering their intentions with lies, flatteries, and delusive words; feigning things that will never be, and promising that to them which they shall never find.  It was designed also that, by a stratagem, they should destroy one Mr. Resistance, otherwise called Captain Resistance—­a man that the giant Diabolus and his band more feared than they feared the whole town of Mansoul besides.  And they appointed one Tisiphone to do it.

Thus, having ended the council of war, they rose up and marched towards Mansoul; but all in a manner invisible, save only Diabolus, who approached the town in the shape and body of a dragon.  So they drew up and sat down before Eargate, and laid their ambuscade for Mr. Resistance within a bow shot of the town.  Then Diabolus, being come to the gate, sounded his trumpet for audience, at which the chiefs of the town, such as my lord Innocent, my lord Will-be-will, Mr. Recorder, and Captain Resistance, came down to the wall to see who was there and what was the matter.

Project Gutenberg
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 02 — Fiction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.