The World's Greatest Books — Volume 02 — Fiction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 415 pages of information about The World's Greatest Books — Volume 02 — Fiction.

The World's Greatest Books — Volume 02 — Fiction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 415 pages of information about The World's Greatest Books — Volume 02 — Fiction.

I sternly refused.  “I am not inclined to stake my soul for my shadow.”

He continued to urge, giving the most plausible reasons why I should sign.  But I was firm.  He even tried to tempt me by unrolling my shadow on the heath.  “A line of your pen, and you save your Mina from that rogue’s clutches.”

At that moment Bendel arrived on the scene, saw me in tears, my shadow on the ground apparently in the stranger’s power, and set upon the man with his stick.  The grey man walked away, and Bendel followed him, raining blows upon his shoulders, till they disappeared from sight.

I was left with my despair, and spent the day and night on the heath.  I was resolved not to return among men, and wandered about for three days, feeding on wild fruit and spring-water.  On the morning of the fourth day I suddenly heard a sound, but could see nobody—­only a shadow, not unlike my own, but without body.  I determined to seize it, and rushed after it.  Gradually I gained on it; with a final rush I made for it—­and met unexpectedly bodily resistance.  We fell on the ground, and a man became visible under me.  I understood at once.  The man must have had the invisible bird’s nest, which he dropped in the struggle, thus becoming visible himself.

The nest being invisible, I looked for its shadow, found it, seized it quickly, and, of course, disappeared from the man’s sight.  I left him tearing his hair in despair; and I rejoiced at being able to go again among men.  Quickly I proceeded to Mina’s garden, which was still empty, although I imagined I heard steps following me.  I sat down on a bench, and watched the verdurer leaving the house.  Then a fog seemed to pass over my head.  I looked around, and—­oh, horror!—­beheld the grey man sitting by my side.  He had pulled his magic cap over my head, at his feet was his shadow and my own, and his hand played with the parchment.

“So we are both under the same cap,” he began; “now please give me back my bird’s nest.  Thanks!  You see, sometimes we are forced to do what we refuse when asked kindly.  I think you had better buy that shadow back.  I’ll throw in the magic cap.”

Meanwhile, Mina’s mother had joined the verdurer, and they began to discuss Mina’s approaching marriage and Gauner’s wealth, which amounted to ten millions.  Then Mina joined them.  She was urged to consent, and finally said, sobbingly, “I have no further wish on earth.  Do with me as you please.”  At this moment Gauner approached, and Mina fainted.

“Can you endure this?” asked my companion.  “Have you no blood in your veins?” He rapidly scratched a slight wound in my hand, and dipped a pen in the blood.  “To be sure, red blood!  Then sign.”  And I took the pen and parchment.

I had scarcely touched food for days, and the excitement of this last hour had completely exhausted my strength.  Before I had time to sign I swooned away.  When I awoke it was dark.  My hateful companion was in a towering rage.  The sound of festive music came from the brightly illuminated house; groups of people strolled through the garden, talking of Mina’s marriage with the wealthy Mr. Gauner, which had taken place this morning.

Project Gutenberg
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 02 — Fiction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.