The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,230 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,230 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1.

——­ Maldive Islands. (Encyclop.  Brit. XV. 1883, pp. 327-332.)

——­ Mandeville. (Ibid. pp. 473-475.)

1884 A Sketch of the Career of Gen. John Reid Becher, C.B., Royal
     Engineers (Bengal).  By an old friend and brother officer.  Printed for
     private circulation, 1884, 8vo, pp. 40.

——­ Rue Quills. (The Academy, No. 620, 22nd March, 1884, pp. 204-205.)
     Reprinted in present ed. of Marco Polo, vol. ii. p. 596.

——­ Lord Canning. (Letter in The Times, 2nd April, 1884.)

——­ Sir Bartle Frere [Letter respecting Memorial of]. (St. James’
, 27th July, 1884.)

——­ Odoric. (Encyclop.  Brit. XVIII. 1884, pp. 728-729.)

——­ Ormus. (Ibid. pp. 856-858.)

1885 Memorials of Gen. Sir Edward Harris Greathed, K.C.B.  Compiled by the
     late Lieut.-Gen. Alex.  Cunningham Robertson, C.B.  Printed for private
     circulation. (With a prefatory notice of the compiler.) London,
     Harrison & Sons,... 1885, 8vo, pp. 95.

     The Prefatory Notice of Gen. A. C. Robertson is by H. Yule, June,
     1885, p. iii.-viii.

——­ Anglo-Indianisms. (Letter in the St. James’ Gazette, 30th July,

——­ Obituary Notice of Col.  Grant Allan, Madras Army. (From the Army and
     Navy Gazette
, 22nd Aug. 1885.)

——­ Shameless Advertisements. (Letter in The Times, 28th Oct. 1885.)

1886 Marco Polo. (Encyclop.  Brit. XIX. 1885, pp. 404-409.)

——­ Prester John. (Ibid. pp. 714-718.)

——­ Brief Notice of Sir Edward Clive Bayley.  Pages ix.-xiv. [Prefixed to
     The History of India as told by its own Historians:  Gujarat.  By the
     late Sir Edward Clive Bayley.] London, Allen, 1886, 8vo.

——­ Sir George Udny Yule.  In Memoriam (St. James’ Gazette, 18th Jan.

——­ Cacothanasia. [Political Verse, Signed [Greek:  Maenin AEIDE]]
     (St. James’ Gazette, 1st Feb. 1886.)

——­ William Kay, D.D. [Notice of]. (Letter to The Guardian, 3rd Feb.

——­ Col.  George Thomson, C.B., R.E. (Royal Engineers’ Journal, 1886.)

——­ Col.  George Thomson, C.B. [Note]. (St. James’ Gazette, 16th Feb.

——­ Hidden Virtues [A Satire on W. E. Gladstone]. (Letter to the St.
     James’ Gazette
, 21st March, 1886.  Signed M. P. V.)

——­ Burma, Past and Present. (Quart.  Rev. vol. 162, Jan. and April,
     1886, pp. 210-238.)

——­ Errors of Facts, in two well-known Pictures.

     (The Athenaeum, No. 3059, 12th June, 1886, p. 788.)

——­ [Obituary Notice of] Lieut.-Gen. Sir Arthur Phayre, C.B., K.C.S.I.,
     G.C.M.G. (Proc.  R.G.S., N.S. 1886, VIII. pp. 103-112.)

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.