The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,230 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,230 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1.

——­ Parallels [Matthew Arnold and de Barros]. (The Athenaeum, No. 2790,
     16th April, 1881, pp. 536.)

1882 Memoir of Gen. Sir William Erskine Baker, K.C.B., Royal Engineers
     (Bengal).  Compiled by two old friends, brother officers and pupils. 
     London.  Printed for private circulation, 1882, 8vo., pp. 67.

     By H. Y[ule] and R. M. [Gen. R. Maclagan].

——­ Etymological Notes. (The Athenaeum, No. 2837, 11th March, 1882; No.
     2840, 1st April, 1882, p. 413.)

——­ Lhasa. (Encyclop.  Brit. XIV. 1882, pp. 496-503.)

——­ Wadono. (The Athenaeum, No. 2846, 13th May, 1882, p. 602.)

——­ Dr. John Brown. (The Athenaeum, No. 2847, 20th May, 1882, pp.

——­ A Manuscript of Marco Polo. (The Athenaeum, No. 2851, 17th June,
     1882, pp. 765-766.)

     [About Baron Nordenskioeld’s Facsimile Edition.]

——­ Review of Ancient India as described by Ktesias the Knidian, etc
     By J. W. M’Crindle. (The Athenaeum, No. 2860, 19th Aug. 1882,
     pp. 237-238.)

——­ The Silver Coinage of Thibet. (Review of Terrien de Lacouperie’s
     Paper.) (The Academy, 19th Aug. 1882, pp 140-141.)

——­ Review of The Indian Balhara and the Arabian Intercourse with
.  By Edward Thomas. (The Athenaeum, No. 2866, 30th Sept.
     1882, pp. 428-429.)

——­ The Expedition of Professor Palmer, Capt.  Gill, and Lieut. 
     Charrington. (Letter in The Times, 16th Oct. 1882.)

——­ Obituary Notice of Dr. Arthur Burnell. (Times, 20th Oct. 1882.)

——­ Capt.  William Gill, R.E. [Notice of]. (The Times, 31st Oct. 1882.)

     See supra, first col. of this page.

——­ Notes on the Oldest Records of the Sea Route to China from Western
     Asia.  By Col.  Yule. Proc. of the Royal Geographical Society, and
     Monthly Record of Geography
, Nov.  No. 1882, 8vo.

     Proceedings, N.S.  IV. 1882, pp. 649-660.  Read at the Geographical
     Section, Brit.  Assoc., Southampton Meeting, augmented and revised by
     the author.

1883 Lord Lawrence. [Review of Life of Lord Lawrence.  By R. Bosworth
     Smith.] (Quarterly Review, vol. 155, April, 1883, pp. 289-326.)

——­ Review of Across Chryse.  By A. R. Colquhoun. (The Athenaeum, No.
     2900, 26th May, 1883, pp. 663-665.)

——­ La Terra del Fuoco e Carlo Darwin. (Extract from Letter published by
     the Fanfulla, Rome 2nd June, 1883.)

——­ How was the Trireme rowed? (The Academy, 6th Oct. 1883, p. 237.)

——­ Across Chryse. (The Athenaeum, No. 2922, 27th Oct. 1883.)

——­ Political Fellowship in the India Council. (Letter in The Times,
     15th Dec. 1883.) [Heading was not Yule’s.]

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.