The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,230 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,230 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1.

On another and later occasion, when the Governor-General’s camp was peculiarly dull and stagnant, every one yawning and grumbling, Yule effected a temporary diversion by pretending to tap the telegraph wires, and circulating through camp, what purported to be, the usual telegraphic abstract of news brought to Bombay by the latest English mail.  The news was of the most astounding character, with just enough air of probability, in minor details, to pass muster with a dull reader.  The effect was all he could wish—­or rather more—­and there was a general flutter in the camp.  Of course the Governor-General and one or two others were in the secret, and mightily relished the diversion.  But this pleasant and cheering intercourse was drawing to its mournful close.  On her way back from Darjeeling, in November, 1861, Lady Canning (not then in Yule’s care) was unavoidably exposed to the malaria of a specially unhealthy season.  A few days’ illness followed, and on 18th November, 1861, she passed calmly to

  “That remaining rest where night and tears are o’er."[47]

It was to Yule that Lord Canning turned in the first anguish of his loss, and on this faithful friend devolved the sad privilege of preparing her last resting-place.  This may be told in the touching words of Lord Canning’s letter to his only sister, written on the day of Lady Canning’s burial, in the private garden at Barrackpoor[48]:—­

“The funeral is over, and my own darling lies buried in a spot which I am sure she would have chosen of all others....  From the grave can be seen the embanked walk leading from the house to the river’s edge, which she made as a landing-place three years ago, and from within 3 or 4 paces of the grave there is a glimpse of the terrace-garden and its balustrades, which she made near the house, and of the part of the grounds with which she most occupied herself....  I left Calcutta yesterday ... and on arriving here, went to look at the precise spot chosen for the grave.  I could see by the clear full moon ... that it was exactly right.  Yule was there superintending the workmen, and before daylight this morning a solid masonry vault had been completely finished.

“Bowie [Military Secretary] and Yule have done all this for me.  It has all been settled since my poor darling died.  She liked Yule.  They used to discuss together her projects of improvement for this place, architecture, gardening, the Cawnpore monument, etc., and they generally agreed.  He knew her tastes well....”

The coffin, brought on a gun-carriage from Calcutta, “was carried by twelve soldiers of the 6th Regiment (Queen’s), the A.D.C.’s bearing the pall.  There were no hired men or ordinary funeral attendants of any kind at any part of the ceremony, and no lookers-on....  Yule was the only person not of the household staff.  Had others who had asked” to attend “been allowed to do so, the numbers would have been far too large.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.