this part (of Asia) belong the territory called that of the
Bachalaos [or Codfish, Newfoundland], Florida, the Desert of
Lop, Tangut, Cathay, the realm of Mexico (wherein is the vast
city of Temistitan, built in the middle of a great lake, but which
the older travellers styled QUINSAY), besides Paria, Uraba, and
the countries of the Canibals.” (Joannis Schoneri Carolostadtii
Opusculum Geogr., quoted by Humboldt, Examen, V. 171, 172.)
[16] In Robert Parke’s Dedication of his Translation
of Mendoza’s, London,
1st of January, 1589, he identifies
China and Japan with the regions
of which Paulus Venetus
and Sir John Mandeuill “wrote long agoe.”
—MS. Note by
[17] “Totius Europae et Asiae Tabula Geographica,
Auctore Thoma D.
Aucupario. Edita Argentorati,
MDXXII.” Copied in Witsen.
[18] This strange association of Balor (i.e.,
Bolor, that name of so
many odd vicissitudes, see
pp. 178-179 infra) with the shut-up
Israelites must be traced
to a passage which Athanasius Kircher quotes
from R. Abraham Pizol
(qu. Peritsol?): “Regnum, inquit,
magnum et excelsum nimis,
juxta omnes illos qui scripserunt
Historicos. Sunt
in eo Judaei plurimi inclusi, et illud in latere
Orientali et Boreali,”
etc. (China Illustrata, p. 49.)
[19] Vol. ii. p. 1.
[20] A short Account of Libraries of Italy,
by the Hon. R. Curzon
(the late Lord de la Zouche);
in Bibliog. and Hist. Miscellanies;
Philobiblon Society, vol.
i, 1854, pp. 6. seqq.
[21] P. del Natali was Bishop of Equilio, a city of
the Venetian Lagoons,
in the latter part of the
14th century. (See Ughelli, Italia Sacra,
X. 87.) There is no ground
whatever for connecting him with these
inventions. The story
of the glass types appears to rest entirely and
solely on one obscure passage
of Sansovino, who says that under the
Doge Marco Corner (1365-1367):
“certe Natale Veneto lascio un libro
della materie delle forme
da giustar intorno alle lettere, ed il modo
di formarle di vetro.”
There is absolutely nothing more. Some kind of
stencilling seems indicated.
[22] History of Printing in China and Europe,
in Philobiblon, vol. vi.
p. 23.
[23] See Appendix L. in First Edition.
[24] Ramusio himself appears to have been entirely
unconscious of it,
vide supra, p. 3
[25] This subject has been fully treated in Cathay and the Way Thither.