The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,230 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,230 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1.
7.  To his natural daughter Pasqua 400 lire to marry her withal.  Or, if she likes to be a nun, 200 lire shall go to her convent and the other 200 shall purchase securities for her benefit.  After her death these shall come to his male heir, or failing that be sold, and the proceeds distributed for the good of the souls of his father, mother, and self.
8.  To his natural brothers Stephen and Giovannino he leaves 500 lire.  If one dies the whole to go to the other.  If both die before marrying, to go to his male heir; failing such, to his brother Marco or his male heir.
9.  To his uncle Giordano Trevisano 200 lire.  To Marco de Tumba 100.  To Fiordelisa, wife of Felix Polo, 100.  To Maroca, the daughter of the late Pietro Trevisano, living at Negropont, 100.  To Agnes, wife of Pietro Lion, 100; and to Francis, son of the late Pietro Trevisano, in Negropont, 100.
10.  To buy Public Debt producing an annual 20 lire ai grossi to be paid yearly to Pietro Pagano, Priest of S. Felice, who shall pray for the souls aforesaid:  on death of said Pietro the income to go to Pietro’s cousin Lionardo, Clerk of S. Felice; and after him always to the senior priest of S. Giovanni Grisostomo with the same obligation.

    11.  Should his wife prove with child and bear a son or sons they shall
    have his whole property not disposed of.  If a daughter, she shall have
    the same as Fiordelisa.

    12.  If he have no male heir his Brother Marco shall have the
    Testator’s share of his Father’s bequest, and 2000 lire besides. 
    Cousin Nicolo shall have 500 lire, and Uncle Maffeo 500.

13.  Should Daughter Fiordelisa die unmarried her 2000 lire and interest to go to his male heir, and failing such to Brother Marco and his male heir.  But in that case Marco shall pay 500 lire to Cousin Nicolo or his male heir.
14.  Should his wife bear him a male heir or heirs, but these should die under age, the whole of his undisposed property shall go to Brother Marco or his male heir.  But in that case 500 lire shall be paid to Cousin Nicolo.

    15.  Should his wife bear a daughter and she die unmarried, her 2000
    lire and interest shall go to Brother Marco, with the same
    stipulation in behalf of Cousin Nicolo.

16.  Should the whole amount of his property between cash and goods not amount to 10,000 lire (though he believes he has fully as much), his bequests are to be ratably diminished, except those to his own children which he does not wish diminished.  Should any legatee die before receiving the bequest, its amount shall fall to the Testator’s heir male, and failing such, the half to go to Marco or his male heir, and the other half to be distributed for the good of the souls aforesaid.

    The witnesses are Lionardo priest of S. Felice, Lionardo clerk of the
    same, and the Notary Pietro Pagano priest of the same.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.