The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,230 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,230 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1.

This does not include the Sopracomito, or Gentleman-Commander, who was expected to be valens homo et probus, a soldier and a gentleman, fit to be consulted on occasion by the captain-general.  In the Venetian fleet he was generally a noble.[23]

The aggregate pay of such a crew, not including the sopracomito, amounted monthly to 60 lire de’ grossi, or 600 florins, equivalent to 280_l._ at modern gold value; and the cost for a year to nearly 3160_l._, exclusive of the victualling of the vessel and the pay of the gentleman-commander.  The build or purchase of a galley complete is estimated by the same author at 15,000 florins, or 7012_l._

We see that war cost a good deal in money even then.

Besides the ship’s own complement Sanudo gives an estimate for the general staff of a fleet of 60 galleys.  This consists of a captain-general, two (vice) admirals, and the following:—­

   6 Probi homines, or gentlemen of character, forming a council to the
   4 Commissaries of Stores;
   2 Commissaries over the Arms;
   3 Physicians;
   3 Surgeons;
   5 Master Engineers and Carpenters;
  15 Master Smiths;
  12 Master Fletchers;
   5 Cuirass men and Helmet-makers;
  15 Oar-makers and Shaft-makers;
  10 Stone cutters for stone shot;
  10 Master Arblast-makers;
  20 Musicians;
  20 Orderlies, &c.

[Sidenote:  Music; and other particulars.]

30.  The musicians formed an important part of the equipment.  Sanudo says that in going into action every vessel should make the greatest possible display of colours; gonfalons and broad banners should float from stem to stern, and gay pennons all along the bulwarks; whilst it was impossible to have too much of noisy music, of pipes, trumpets, kettle-drums, and what not, to put heart into the crew and strike fear into the enemy.[24]

So Joinville, in a glorious passage, describes the galley of his kinsman, the Count of Jaffa, at the landing of St. Lewis in Egypt:—­

“That galley made the most gallant figure of them all, for it was painted all over, above water and below, with scutcheons of the count’s arms, the field of which was or with a cross patee gules.[25] He had a good 300 rowers in his galley, and every man of them had a target blazoned with his arms in beaten gold.  And, as they came on, the galley looked to be some flying creature, with such spirit did the rowers spin it along;—­or rather, with the rustle of its flags, and the roar of its nacaires and drums and Saracen horns, you might have taken it for a rushing bolt of heaven."[26]

The galleys, which were very low in the water,[27] could not keep the sea in rough weather, and in winter they never willingly kept the sea at night, however fair the weather might be.  Yet Sanudo mentions that he had been with armed galleys to Sluys in Flanders.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.