--------Nos primus equis Oriens afflavit anhelis; Illic sera rubens accendit lumina Vesper.
Then might be applied to Africa those words, originally used indeed with a different view:
His demum exactis------ Devenere locos laetos, et amoena vireta Fortunatorum nemorum, sedesque beatas; Largior hic campos aether et lumine vestit Purpureo.
It was in this view—it was as an atonement for our long and cruel injustice towards Africa, that the measure proposed by his honourable friend Mr. Wilberforce most forcibly recommended itself to his mind. The great and happy change to be expected in the state of her inhabitants was, of all the various benefits of the abolition, in his estimation the most extensive and important. He should vote against the adjournment; and he should also oppose every proposition which tended either to prevent, or even to postpone for an hour, the total abolition of the Slave Trade.
Mr. Pitt having concluded his speech (at about six in the morning), Sir William Dolben, the chairman, proposed the following questions:—The first was on the motion of Mr. Jenkinson, “that the chairman do now leave the chair.” This was lost by a majority of two hundred and thirty-four to eighty-seven. The second was on the motion of Mr. Dundas, “that the abolition should be, gradual;” when the votes for gradual exceeded those for immediate by one hundred and ninety-three to one hundred and twenty-five. He then put the amended question, that “it was the opinion of the committee that the trade ought to be gradually abolished.” The committee having divided again, the votes for a gradual abolition were, two hundred and thirty, and those against any abolition were eighty-five.
After this debate, the committee for the abolition of the Slave Trade held a meeting. They voted their thanks to Mr. Wilberforce for his motion, and to Mr. Pitt, Mr. Fox, and those other members of the House who had supported it. They resolved, also, that the House of Commons, having determined that the Slave Trade ought to be gradually abolished, had by that decision manifested their opinion, that it was cruel and unjust. They resolved, also, that