Halleck's New English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 629 pages of information about Halleck's New English Literature.

Halleck's New English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 629 pages of information about Halleck's New English Literature.

Cranmer’s Bible

Crashaw, Richard

Critical writings
  Age of Romanticism
  De Quincey’s

Criticism, first essay on

Cromwell’s Bible

Cross, John W.

Crossing the Bar

Cry of the Children

Curse of Kehama



Cynewulf Cycle
  suggested readings in

Daniel Deronda

Daniel, Samuel

Darwin, Charles

D’Avenant, Sir William

David and Bathsabe

David Balfour

David Copperfield

Davidson, John
  suggested readings in

Deathe of Blanche the Duchesse

Decameron, framework of similar to Canterbury Tales

De-foe, Daniel
  a journalist
  incidental references to
  life of
  references on
  suggested readings in
  works of

Dekker, Thomas

Deloney, Thomas
  suggested readings in

De Morgan, William Frend
  references on
  suggested readings in

Denham, Sir John

Departmental Ditties

De Quincey, Thomas
  general characteristics of
  incidental references to
  life of
  references on
  suggested readings in
  works of

Deserted Village, The

De Vere, Aubrey

Diana of the Crossways

Diary, Evelyn’s

Dickens, Charles
  contrasted with Thackeray
  general characteristics of
  incidental references to
  life of
  references on
  suggested readings in
  works of

Dictionary of the English Language, Johnson’s

Didactic verse

Discovery of Guiana, The

Disdain Returned


Divine Vision, The

Dobell, Sidney

Dobson, Austin
  suggested readings in

Dodgson, Charles L. (Lewis Carroll)

Dombey and Son

Don Juan

Donne, John
  opposes sonnet
  suggested readings in

Don Quixote

Double Dealer, The

Douglas, Gawain

Dover Beach

Dowden, Edward

Doyle, A. Conan

Dr. Faustus

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Drake:  An English Epic

Drama, English
  and the unities
  actors in early
  Beaumont and Fletcher in
  comedies, early
  court plays
  decline of
  during Restoration
  early religious
  end of Elizabethan
  Marlowe, founder of English
  miracle and mystery plays
  morality plays
  suggested readings in
  See also Elizabethan Age, Jonson, Marlowe, Shakespeare, etc.

Project Gutenberg
Halleck's New English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.