Halleck's New English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 629 pages of information about Halleck's New English Literature.

Halleck's New English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 629 pages of information about Halleck's New English Literature.

Castle of Otranto

Cathedrals, Gothic


Cavalier poets

Caxton, William

Celtic dramatists

Celtic imagery

Celtic Renaissance

Cenci, The


Chapel Royal

Chapman, George

Charge of the Light Brigade

Chatterton, Thomas
  suggested readings in

Chaucer, Geoffrey
  Canterbury Tales
  compared with Spenser
  earlier poems of
  incidental references to
  influence on English language
  life of
  qualitites of
  references on
  suggested readings in

Chaucer’s age. See Anglo-Norman period

Chesson, Nora Hopper

Chester plays

Chesterton, Gilbert K.
  references on
  suggested readings in

Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

Child’s Garden of Verse, A

Christ, Cynewulf’s


Christmas Carol, A

Chronicle, The, Stow’s

Chronicles of England, Ireland and Scotland

Cibber, Colley

Citizen of the World

Clarendon, Lord

Clarissa Harlowe

Classical couplet

Classic school

Clive, Robert

Cloister and the Hearth

Cloud, The

Clough, Arthur Hugh
  suggested readings in

Cobbett, William

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
  association with Wordsworth
  general characteristics of
  incidental references to
  life of
  poetry of
  prose of
  references on
  suggested readings in

Collier, Jeremy

Collins, Wilkie
  suggested readings in

Collins, William


Colombe’s Birthday

Colum, Padric

Comedies, early

Comedy of Errors, The

Complete Angler


Conciliation with America, Burke’s speech on

Conduct of the Understanding

Confessio Amantis

Confessions of an English Opium-Eater

Congreve, William

Conrad, Joseph
  references on
  suggested readings in

Cooper, Frederic Taber, quoted

Corelli, Marie

Cornish, William

Cotter’s Saturday Night

Couplet, classical

Court plays

Coventry plays

Cowley, Abraham

Cowper, William
  general characteristics of
  incidental references to
  life of
  references on
  suggested readings in
  works of

Crabbe, George

Craik, Dinah Maria


Project Gutenberg
Halleck's New English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.