Halleck's New English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 629 pages of information about Halleck's New English Literature.

Halleck's New English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 629 pages of information about Halleck's New English Literature.

Birrell, Augustine

Black, William

Blackmore, Richard D.
  suggested readings in

Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine

Blake, William
  references on
  suggested readings in

Blank verse
  in eighteenth century
  introduction into England
  Shakespeare’s and Marlowe’s use of

Bleak House

Blessed Damozel, The

Blot in the ’Scutcheon

Bolingbroke, Lord


Book of Martyrs

Borrow, George

Boswell, James

Boy actors

Boyle, William

Bradley, Andrew

Brandes, Georg, quoted

Bret Harte

Bride of Lammermoor

Bridges, Robert
  suggested readings in

Bronte, Charlotte
  references for
  suggested readings in

Bronte, Emily

Brooke, Stopford, quoted

Brown, Charles Brockden

Browne, Sir Thomas

Browne, William

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, life of
  references on
  suggested readings in

Browning, Robert
  general characteristics of
  incidental references to
  life of
  optimistic philosophy of
  references on
  suggested readings in
  works of


Bryce, James

Buckle, Henry Thomas

Bulwer Lytton
  suggested readings in

  general characteristics of
  incidental references to
  life of
  references for
  suggested readings in
  works of

Burke, Edmund
  references for
  suggested readings in

Burnet, Gilbert

Burney, Fanny

Burns, Robert
  general characteristics of
  incidental references to
  life of
  love songs of
  poetic creed of
  references on
  suggested readings in
  works of

Burton, Robert

Butler, Bishop

Butler, Samuel

Byron, Lord
  compared with Shakespeare
  dramas of
  general characteristics
  incidental references to
  life of
  references on
  suggested readings in
  works of

  compared with Milton

Caedmonian Cycle


Caine, hall

Caliban upon Setebos

Camden, William

Campbell, Thomas

Canterbury Tales

Carberry, Ethna

Carew, Thomas
  suggested readings in

Carlyle, Thomas
  general characteristics of
  incidental references to
  life of
  references on
  Sartor Resartus
  suggested readings in
  works of

Carols of fifteenth century

Carroll, Lewis

Castle of Indolence

Project Gutenberg
Halleck's New English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.