From his poems read Mandalay, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, Danny Deever, The ’Eathen, Ballad of East and West, Recessional, The White Man’s Burden; also Song of the Banjo, and L’Envoi from Seven Seas, published by Doubleday, Page and Company.
Why is The Jungle Book called an original creation? What are the most distinctive dualities of Kipling’s short stories? Point out in what respects they show the methods of the journalist. How does Kipling sustain the interest? What limitations do you notice? What is specially remarkable about his style? What are the principal characteristics of his verse? What subjects appeal to him? Why is his verse so popular?
Minor Poets.—Read the selections from Clough, Henley, Bridges, Davidson, Thompson, Watson, Dobson and Symons in either The Oxford Book of Victorian Verse or Stevenson’s The Home Book of Verse. The Poetical Works of Robert Bridges is inexpensively published by the Oxford University Press. Dobson’s verse has been gathered into the single volume Collected Poems (1913).
What are the chief characteristics of each of the above authors? Do these minor versifiers fill a want not fully supplied by the great poets?
[Footnote 1: A Liberal Education and Where to Find It (Lay Sermons).]
[Footnote 2: For suggested readings in Pater, see p. 584.]
[Footnote 3: Pp. 225-364 of the Oxford University Press edition of his Poetical Works.]
[Footnote 4: Printed by permission of The Macmillan Company.]
[Footnote 5: Given in Stevenson’s Home Book of Verse and The Oxford Book of Victorian Verse.]
[Footnote 6: History of England, Vol. III, Chap. XI.]
[Footnote 7: Morison’s Life of Macaulay, p. 139.]
[Footnote 8: The Idea of a University (Literature: A Lecture).]
[Footnote 9: For Claviers, Letter I.]
[Footnote 10: Praeterita, Vol. II., Chap. V.]
[Footnote 11: Silas Marner, Chap. VI.]
[Footnote 12: The Scholar Gypsy.]
[Footnote 13: A Southern Light.]
[Footnote 14: The Grande Chartreuse.]
[Footnote 15: Home Thoughts from Abroad.]
[Footnote 16: A.C. Benson’s Alfred Tennyson, p. 157.]
[Footnote 17 & 18: Printed by permission of Rudyard Kipling and Doubleday, Page and Company.]
[Footnote 19: For full titles, see p. 6.]