The remaining eight publications in the Clarendon Press Series which have also been indexed are those marked C, C2, C3, W, W2, P, H, and G; i.e. three books containing extracts from Chaucer, two books containing parts of Wyclif’s Bible, part of Piers Plowman, Hampole’s Psalter, and Gamelyn; the full titles of which are given below.
We also give all the important words occurring in CM (Chaucer, ed. Morris); and in addition to this, and for the purpose of illustration, forms are given from various texts and Dictionaries, and from the Glossaries to B (Bruce), PP (Piers Plowman), and WA (Wars of Alexander).
NOTE.—The abbreviations referring to the
authorities for the forms of
English words (AD. 1150-1580) are printed in italics.
(CP = Clarendon
1. Alph.: Alphita, a Medico-Botanical Glossary, ed. Mowat, 1887. CP.
2. Anglo-Saxon Gospels,in AS. and Northumbrian Versions, ed. Skeat.
3. Apfelstedt: Lothringischer Psalter (des XIV Jahrhunderts), 1881.
4. B: Barbour’s Bruce, ed. Skeat, 1870, EETS. (Extra Series xi).
5. Bardsley: English Surnames, 1875.
6. Bartsch: Chrestomathie de l’ancien franASec.ais (glossaire), 1880.
6*. BH: Bartsch and Horning, Langue et LittA(C)rature franASec.aises, 1887.
7. Bosworth: Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 1838.
8. Brachet: French Dict., 1882. CP.
9. Brugmann: Grundriss, 1886.
10. BT.: Bosworth-Toller AS. Dict. [A-SAR]. CP.
11. C: Chaucer; Prol., Knight’s Tale, Nun’s Priest’s Tale. CP.
12. C2: Chaucer; Prioress, Sir Thopas, Monk, Clerk, Squire. CP.
13. C3: Chaucer; Man of Law, Pardoner, Second Nun, Canon’s Yeoman. CP.
14. Cath.: Catholicon Anglicum (A.D. 83), ed. Herrtage, 141881. EETS (75).
15. Chron.: Two Saxon Chronicles, ed. Earle, 1865. CP.
16. CM: Chaucer, ed. Morris, 1880.
17. Constans: Chrestomathie de l’ancien franASec.ais (glossaire), 1884.
18. Cotg.: Cotgrave, French and English Dict., 1611.
19. Curtius: Greek Etymology, ed. Wilkins and England, 1886.
20. CV: Icelandic Dictionary, Cleasby and Vigfusson, 1874. CP.
21. DG: Davies, Supplementary English Glossary, 1881.
22. Diez: Etymologisches WArterbuch, 1878.
23. Douse: Introduction to the Gothic of Ulfilas, 1886.
24. Ducange: Glossarium, ed. Henschel, 1883-7.
24*. Ducange: Glossaire FranASec.ais, ed. 1887.
25. EDS: English Dialect Society.
26. EETS: Early English Text Society.
27. Fick: WArterbuch der indogermanischen Sprachen, 1874.