Borwe, sb. pledge, surety, W2, C, C2, G; borgh, H; borghe, P; borewe, S2; borwes, pl., sponsors, S2; pledges, P.—AS. borh.
Borwen, v. to deliver, to borrow, MD, PP, C2, G; borewe, W2; borowe, NED; borwede, pt. s., PP.—AS. borgian.
Borwynge, sb. borrowing, Prompt.; borewyng, S2.
Boske; see Busch.
Bosken; see Busken.
Bost, sb. boast, noise, MD, C3, PP; boost, C2; boste, PP; bostus, pl., H.
Bosten, v. to boast, PP; booste, NED.
Bosum, sb. bosom, S, W (John 13. 23); bosem, MD.—AS. bA cubedsm.
Bote, prep, and conj. without, except, unless, but, S, S2, PP; bot, CM, S2; bute, S; butt, S; boute, S, S2; buten, S; buton, S; Comb.: bote-3*ef, except that, unless, S2, C.—AS. be-Aton (bAton).
Bote, sb. remedy, succour, amendment, S, S2, C2, G, P; boote, S3, C, G. Phr.: to bote, to advantage, in addition, NED.—AS. bA cubedt; cp. Goth. bota.
Botelees, adj. without remedy, PP; bootelesse, useless, S3; botles, S2.
Botelere, sb. butler, Voc.; botiler, C; butler, S.
Botelle, sb. bottle, MD; botel, CM.—OF. boutelle, also botel.
Boterace, sb. buttress; boteras, Prompt.; butterace, SkD (p. 789); butteras, pl., SkD; buttrace, SkD; butteraces, SkD.—ME. boterace for OF. bouterets, i.e. (pillars) bearing a thrust, pl. of bouteret.
Boterace, v. to buttress; butteras, Palsg.; boteraced, pp., PP.
Bothe, adj. both, PP, S; baA3/4e, S, S2; beoA deg.e, S; beA deg.e, S; buoA deg.e, S2.—Icel. bAiA deg.i, both (neut.).
Botme, sb. bottom, C, C3, Prompt.; boA3/4om, a vale, S2, NED; boA3/4em, S2.—AS. botm.
Botme-les, adj. bottomless, CM.
Botnen, v., to heal, to recover, MD; botened, pp. bettered, P. See Bote.
Botun. sb. button, bud, Prompt., Voc.; bothom, MD, CM; buttonys, pl., S3.—OF. bouton, button, bud (Cotg.).
Bouel, sb. bowel, MD; bouele, S2.—OF. boel (and boele); Lat. botellus.
Bouge, sb. a leathern bottle or wallet, uter, W2 (Ps. 77. 13); bowge,W2, Prompt.—OF. bouge, budget, leather-case; Low Lat. bulga, leathern vessel (Voc.). Cf. Waterbulge.