Avaunten, v. to speak proudly of, to commend, to boast, NED, W2.—OF. avanter; Lat. ad + Late Lat. vanitare, to boast. (A- 7.)
Avauntour, sb. boaster, C; auaunter, NED.—OF. avanteur. (A- 7.)
Auentaille, sb. the moveable front of a helmet, C2, HD.—AF. aventaille, OF. esventail; Late Lat. *_exventaculum_, airhole. (A- 9.)
Auente, v to get air by opening the aventaille, HD, NED.
Auenture, sb. chance, a chance occurrence, jeopardy, S, S3, C, C3, G, PP; auentur, S2; auntour, S2; aunter, S3, PP; antur, MD; eventour, HD. Comb.: an auenture, lest perchance, PP; on auenture, in case, PP; anaunter, for an aunter, S2; in auenture, PP.—AF. aventure; Lat. aduentura, a thing about to happen. (A- 7.)
Auer, sb. property, a beast of burden, HD.—AF. aver (pl. avers); OF. aveir (avoir); Lat. habere, to have.
Auere; see Afure.
Auerous, adj. greedy, H, HD, CM; auerouse, W, W2, PP; auarous, S2, PP, NED—OF. averus. See Auer.
Auerylle, sb. April, NED; aueril, S2; auerel, PP.—OF. avril; Lat. aprilis, from aperire. See Apert.
A-ulem imp. s. drive away, S; see Aflemen.
Auoide, v. to empty, to make of no effect, to make void, to remove, to move away, retire, to avoid, NED, W; auoyde, W; auoyd, WW, Sh.; auoided, pp., W, W2.—AF. avolder; OF., esvuidier; es, out +_vuidier_, to empty. (A- 9.)
Avouter, sb. adulterer, W2; avowtere, Prompt.—OF. avoutre, aAutre; Lat. adulterum. For intercalated v see Brachet (s. v. corvA(C)e).
Avoutrer, sb. adulterer, HD; auoutreris, pl., W; avowtreris, W2.
Avoutresse. sb. adulteress, W.—OF. avoutresse.
AvoutrAe, sb. adultery, PP, CM, W, HD; avoutry, Cath.; avowtrie, NED, W; avowtery, NED; auowtries, pl., W.—OF. avoutrie, aAuterie, aA1/4lterie; Lat. adulterium.
Auowe, sb. vow, S3, PP, Prompt.; auow, S2, C, C3, G; auou, PP; auowis, pl., W, W2.
Avowen, v. to bind with a vow, NED, W (Acts. 23. 14), P.—OF. avoer; Late Lat. advotare, from Lat. uotum; from uouere. (A- 7.)
Avowen, v. to call upon or own as defender, patron, or client, to avow, acknowledge, NED, S3, C3, PP.—AF. avower, OF. avouer, avoer; Lat. ad-vocare. (A- 7.)