A Concise Dictionary of Middle English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 648 pages of information about A Concise Dictionary of Middle English.

A Concise Dictionary of Middle English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 648 pages of information about A Concise Dictionary of Middle English.

Auncessour, sb. ancestor, NED; ancessour, NED, HD.—­AF. ancessur; Lat. antecessorem.

Aunceter, sb. predecessor, ancestor, NED, S2, CM; ancestre, NED; auncestre, NED; aunsetters, pl., NED, HD; aunceteres, HD.—­AF. auncestre, ancestre; Lat. ante-cessor.

Auncien, adj. old, whilom, ex-; sb. an old man, an elder (title of dignity), a senior member of an Inn of Court, NED; auncient, S3 (25. 136), HD.—­AF. auncien, OF. ancien; Late Lat. antianum (cp.  It. anziano), for ante-anum, from Lat. ante, before.

Auncre, sb. anchoress, nun, S2; see Ancre.

Aunder, sb. afternoon, HD; see Undern.

Aunders-meat, sb. afternoon’s collation, Cotg. (s. v. recinA(C)), HD.  Cp.  Goth. undaurni-mats.

Aungel, sb. angel, messenger, W; aunge, HD; aungeles., pl., S2, C3; aungels, W2 (Ps. 90. 11).—­AF. angele.  Cf. Angel, Engel.

Auntour, sb. chance, adventure, S2; aunter, S3. Comb.:  anaunter, for an aunter, a chance [Correction], S2; see Auenture.

Auntren, v. to adventure, S3, G, PP.—­OF. aventurer.

Auntrous, adj. adventurous, C2, PP.

Auote, adv. on foot, S2; see A-fote. [Addition]

Auter, sb. altar, S, S2, C, C2, C3, P, W, W2; awter., S3, HD.—­OF. auter, alter; Lat. altare.

Autorite, sb. authority, C; see Auctoritee. [Addition]

Autour, sb. author, S3; see Auctour. [Correction]

Au- (Av-); see Af-

Auailen, v. to avail, PP; auail3*e, B; auaille, C2, PP, S2; auayle, PP, Prompt.; awayled, pt. s., S2.—­Cp.  OF. vail(l)e, from valoir; Lat. ualere.

Aualen, v. to descend, to lower, MD, S2, S3, B; availl,B; availed, pp., S3.—­OF. avaler, from phr. A val; Lat. ad uallem, to the valley. (A- 7.)

Auarous; see Auerous.

Auaunce, v. to advance, NED, S3, C, C3, P; awance, S3; avaunset, pp., S2; auanced, S2.—­OF. av[*u?]ancer.

Auauncement, sb. advancement, G; auancement, S2.

Auaunt, adv., and interj. forward, away, NED.—­AF. avaunt, OF. avant; Late Lat. ab-ante.

Avaunt, sb. boast, vaunt, C, NED. See Auaunten.

Auauntage, sb. superiority, advantage, NED, S3, C; auantage, S2, C3.—­AF. avantage, from avant, before.

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A Concise Dictionary of Middle English from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.