Al-katran, sb. the resin of fir trees, pitch, also, bitumen, NED, S2.—OF. alketran; Sp. alquitran; Ar. al-qatran, from qatara, to drop.
Al-kin, adj. of every kind, MED, PP; alkyn, S2, PP; alkynnes, PP; alle kynez, S2.—AS. alles cynnes, gen.
Al-kynd, adj. of every kind, S3.
All-; see Al-.
Allunge, adv. altogether, S, MD; allynge, MD; allinge, MED.—AS. eallunga, eallunge.
Allure, sb. a place to walk in, a gallery, a walk by the parapets of a castle, a cloister, S3; alure, Prompt., NED.—OF. alure (now allure), walk, going, a gallery, also, aleA1/4re (= Low Lat. *_alatura_), from aler, to go (F. aller).
Almain, adj. German, NED; Almaines, pl. Germans, NED; Almaygnes, S3.—OF. aleman (F. allemand.)
Almain, sb. a kind of dance, NED; almond, NED. Comb.: almain-leap [Correction], ND; almond-leape, Cotg. (s. v. saut).
Almaine, sb. Germany, H; Almayne, NED; Alemaine, S; Almeyne, NED; Almen, NED; Alamanie, S.—OF. Alemaigne; Lat. Allemannia, the country of the Allemanni.
Almes-dede, sb. deed of mercy, S2.
Almesse, sb. alms, charity, S, PP, Prompt., S2, C3; A|lmes, S; elmesse, MD; almes, S, S2, W; almous, S2; almessis, pl., W.—AS. A|lmysse; Church Lat. *_alimosina_ (cp. OF. almosne); eleemosyna (Tertullian); Gr. [Greek: eleaemosunae] alms, Lu. 12. 33; orig. pity.
Al-mest, adv. almost, S2, C2, W, W2; almeest, W2; almost, PP.
Al-mi3*t, adj. all-powerful, MD; almight, NED, G.—AS. A|lmiht.
Al-mi3*ti, adj. almighty, NED; almichti, S; allmahhti3*, S; almy3*ty, S2; almihti, S.—AS. A|lmeahtig.
Al-mi3*tin, adj. almighty, NED; almihten, NED; almihtin, S.
Alne-way; see Alweye.
A-lofte, adv. on high, aloft, PP; aloft, PP; on-lofte, S2, C2; o lofte, NED; o loft, NED.—Icel. Ai lopt (of motion), Ai lopti (of position); lopt, air, sky, loft; cp. AS. on A3/4Ai lyft, into the air, (A- 2.)
A-londe, on land, in the land, S2, HD; alond, S2.
Al-one, adj., adv. alone, MED. Phr.: hym allane, S2. See One.
A-longen, v. to seem long to, to long, NED; alonged, pp. filled with longing, G, HD; alonget, S2.—AS. of-langian. (A- 3.)