An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 429 pages of information about An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, Volume 2.

An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 429 pages of information about An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, Volume 2.
idea, might be comprehended.  And if the doubtful signification of the word species may make it sound harsh to some, that I say the species of mixed modes are ’made by the understanding’; yet, I think, it can by nobody be denied that it is the mind makes those abstract complex ideas to which specific names are given.  And if it be true, as it is, that the mind makes the patterns for sorting and naming of things, I leave it to be considered who makes the boundaries of the sort or species; since with me species and sort have no other difference than that of a Latin and English idiom.

10.  In mixed Modes it is the Name that ties the Combination of simple ideas together, and makes it a Species.

The near relation that there is between species, essences, and their general name, at least in mixed modes, will further appear when we consider, that it is the name that seems to preserve those essences, and give them their lasting duration.  For, the connexion between the loose parts of those complex ideas being made by the mind, this union, which has no particular foundation in nature, would cease again, were there not something that did, as it were, hold it together, and keep the parts from scattering.  Though therefore it be the mind that makes the collection, it is the name which is as it were the knot that ties them fast together.  What a vast variety of different ideas does the word TRIUMPHUS hold together, and deliver to us as one species!  Had this name been never made, or quite lost, we might, no doubt, have had descriptions of what passed in that solemnity:  but yet, I think, that which holds those different parts together, in the unity of one complex idea, is that very word annexed to it; without which the several parts of that would no more be thought to make one thing, than any other show, which having never been made but once, had never been united into one complex idea, under one denomination.  How much, therefore, in mixed modes, the unity necessary to any essence depends on the mind; and how much the continuation and fixing of that unity depends on the name in common use annexed to it, I leave to be considered by those who look upon essences and species as real established things in nature.


Suitable to this, we find that men speaking of mixed modes, seldom imagine or take any other for species of them, but such as are set out by name:  because they, being of man’s making only, in order to naming, no such species are taken notice of, or supposed to be, unless a name be joined to it, as the sign of man’s having combined into one idea several loose ones; and by that name giving a lasting union to the parts which would otherwise cease to have any, as soon as the mind laid by that abstract idea, and ceased actually to think on it.  But when a name is once annexed to it, wherein the parts of that complex idea have a settled and permanent union, then is the

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An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.