agrees or disagrees with the rule; and so hath a notion
of moral goodness or evil, which is either conformity
or not conformity of any action to that rule:
and therefore is often called moral rectitude.
This rule being nothing but a collection of several
simple ideas, the conformity thereto is but so ordering
the action, that the simple ideas belonging to it may
correspond to those which the law requires. And
thus we see how moral beings and notions are founded
on, and terminated in, these simple ideas we have
received from sensation or reflection. For example:
let us consider the complex idea we signify by the
word murder: and when we have taken it asunder,
and examined all the particulars, we shall find them
to amount to a collection of simple ideas derived from
reflection or sensation,
viz. First, from
reflection on the operations of our own minds,
we have the ideas of willing, considering, purposing
beforehand, malice, or wishing ill to another; and
also of life, or perception, and self-motion.
Secondly, from
sensation we have the collection
of those simple sensible ideas which are to be found
in a man, and of some action, whereby we put an end
to perception and motion in the man; all which simple
ideas are comprehended in the word murder. This
collection of simple ideas, being found by me to agree
or disagree with the esteem of the country I have
been bred in, and to be held by most men there worthy
praise or blame, I call the action virtuous or vicious:
if I have the will of a supreme invisible Lawgiver
for my rule, then, as I supposed the action commanded
or forbidden by God, I call it good or evil, sin or
duty: and if I compare it to the civil law, the
rule made by the legislative power of the country,
I call it lawful or unlawful, a crime or no crime.
So that whencesoever we take the rule of moral actions;
or by what standard soever we frame in our minds the
ideas of virtues or vices, they consist only, and
are made up of collections of simple ideas, which
we originally received from sense or reflection:
and their rectitude or obliquity consists in the agreement
or disagreement with those patterns prescribed by
some law.
15. Moral actions may be regarded wither absolutely,
or as ideas of relation.
To conceive rightly of moral actions, we must take
notice of them under this two-fold consideration.
First, as they are in themselves, each made up of
such a collection of simple ideas. Thus drunkenness,
or lying, signify such or such a collection of simple
ideas, which I call mixed modes: and in this
sense they are as much positive absolute
ideas, as the drinking of a horse, or speaking of
a parrot. Secondly, our actions are considered
as good, bad, or indifferent; and in this respect they
are relative, it being their conformity to, or
disagreement with some rule that makes them to be
regular or irregular, good or bad; and so, as far
as they are compared with a rule, and thereupon denominated,