English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.
  Anglo-Saxon period;
  Revival of Learning;
  Eighteenth Century;
Sentimental Journey
Sesame and Lilies (ses’a-m[=e])
  four periods;
  sources of plays;
  classification of plays;
  doubtful plays;
  place and influence
She Stoops to Conquer
  compared with Wordsworth
Shepherds’ Book
Shepherd’s Calendar
Shirley, James
Shoemaker’s Holiday, The
Short View of the English Stage
Sidney, Philip
Sigurd the Volsung
Silas Marner
Silent Woman, The
Sir Charles Grandison
Skelton, John
Sketches by Boz
Smollett, Tobias
Social development in eighteenth century
Sohrab and Rustum (soo’rhab, or s[=o]’hrab)
Songs of Innocence, and Songs of Experience
Sonnet, introduction of
  of Shakespeare;
  of Milton
Sonnets from the Portuguese
Spanish Gypsy
Spanish Tragedy
Specimens of English Dramatic Poets
Spectator, The
  compared with Chaucer
Spenserian poets
Spenserian stanza
Stage, in early plays;
Steele, Richard
Stephen, Leslie
Sterne, Lawrence
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Style, a test of literature
Suckling, John
Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of
Swan, The
Symonds, John Addington

Tabard Inn Tale of a Tub Tale of Two Cities Tales from Shakespeare Tales in Verse Tales of the Hall Tam o’ Shanter Tamburlaine (tam’bur-lane) Task, The Tatler, The Taylor, Jeremy Temora (te-m[=o]’rae) Tempest, The Temple, The Tennyson;
Tenure of Kings and Magistrates Terra Tests of literature Teufelsdroeckh (toy’felz-droek) Thackeray;
  and Dickens
Thaddeus of Warsaw Thalaba (tael-ae’bae) Theater, the first Thomson, James Thyrsis (ther’sis) Timber Tintern Abbey Tirocinium (t[=i]-r[=o]-sin’[)i]-um), or A Review of Schools Tom Jones Tories and Whigs Tottel’s Miscellany Townley plays Toxophilus (tok-sof’[)i]-lus) Tractarian movement Tracts for the Times Tragedy, definition,
  of blood
Transition poets Traveler, The Treasure Island Treatises on Government Tristram Shandy Troilus and Cressida (tr[=o]’[)i]-lus, kres’-[)i]-dae) Trollope, Anthony Troyes, Treaty of Truth, or Good Counsel Tyndale, William (tin’dal)

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.