Metaphysical poets
Metrical romances
Middleton, Thomas
Miles Gloriosus (m[=e]’les gl[=o]-r[)i]-[=o]’s[u:]s)
Mill on the Floss
Milton; life; early or Horton
poems; prose works;
later poetry; and Shakespeare;
Wordsworth’s sonnet on
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Miracle plays
Mirror for Magistrates
Mr. Badman, Life and Death of
Modern literature, spirit of
Modern Painters
Modest Proposal, A
Moral Epistles
Moral period of the drama
Moral purpose in Victorian literature
Morality plays
More, Hannah
More, Thomas
Morris, William
Morte d’Arthur (mort daer’ther)
Mother Hubbard’s Tale
Muleykeh (m[=u]-l[=a]’k[)a])
My Last Duchess
Mysteries of Udolpho, The ([=u]-dol’f[=o])
Mystery plays
New Atalantis
Newcomes, The
Newman, Cardinal; life;
prose works; poems;
Newspapers, the first
Nibelungenlied (n[=e]’b[)e]-lung-en-l[=e]d)
Noah, Play of
Norman Conquest
Norman pageantry
Norman period. See Anglo-Norman
union with Saxons;
literature of
North, Christopher (John Wilson)
North, Thomas
Northanger Abbey (north’[=a]n-jer)
Northern Antiquities
Northumbrian literature; decline
of; how saved
Novel, meaning and history;
precursors of; discovery of
Novelists, the first English.
See Scott, Dickens, etc.
Novum Organum (or’g[)a]-num)
Ode on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity
Ode to Dejection Ode to the West Wind
Odes, Pindaric Odyssey, Pope’s; Chapman’s;
Old Fortunatus (for-t[=u]-n[=a]’tus)
Oliver Cromwell, Carlyle’s Oliver
Twist Origin of Species Orlando Furioso
(or-lan’d[=o] foo-r[=e]-[=o]’s[=o]) Orm,
or Orme; his Ormulum Orosius ([=o]-r[=o]’si-us),
his history Ossian (osh’ian) and Ossianic poems
Owl and Nightingale, The Oxford movement
P’s, The Four Palamon and Arcite
(pal’a-mon, aer’-s[=i]te) Pamela
(pam’e-lae) Pantisocracy (pan-t[=i]-sok’r[=a]-se),
of Coleridge,
Southey, etc.
Paradise Lost Paradise Regained Paradyse
of Daynty Devises Paraphrase, of Caedmon
Parish Register, The Pauline Pearl,
The Pelham Pendennis Pepys, Samuel
(pep’is, peeps, pips) Percy, Thomas Peregrine
Pickle (per’e-grin) Pericles and Aspasia
(per’i-kl[=e]z, as-p[=a]’shi-ae) Philistines,
the Phoenix (f[=e]’nix) Pickwick
Papers Piers Plowman (peers) Pilgrim’s
Progress Pindaric odes (pin-daer’ic) Pippa
Passes Plain Man’s Pathway to Heaven
Plutarch’s Lives Poems by Two Brothers