English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.
Merlin and the Gleam
Metaphysical poets
Metrical romances
Middleton, Thomas
Miles Gloriosus (m[=e]’les gl[=o]-r[)i]-[=o]’s[u:]s)
Mill on the Floss
Milton; life; early or Horton
  poems; prose works;
  later poetry; and Shakespeare;
  Wordsworth’s sonnet on
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Miracle plays
Mirror for Magistrates
Mr. Badman, Life and Death of
Modern literature, spirit of
Modern Painters
Modest Proposal, A
Moral Epistles
Moral period of the drama
Moral purpose in Victorian literature
Morality plays
More, Hannah
More, Thomas
Morris, William
Morte d’Arthur (mort daer’ther)
Mother Hubbard’s Tale
Muleykeh (m[=u]-l[=a]’k[)a])
My Last Duchess
Mysteries of Udolpho, The ([=u]-dol’f[=o])
Mystery plays

New Atalantis
Newcomes, The
Newman, Cardinal; life;
  prose works; poems;
Newspapers, the first
Nibelungenlied (n[=e]’b[)e]-lung-en-l[=e]d)
Noah, Play of
Norman Conquest
Norman pageantry
Norman period. See Anglo-Norman
  union with Saxons;
  literature of
North, Christopher (John Wilson)
North, Thomas
Northanger Abbey (north’[=a]n-jer)
Northern Antiquities
Northumbrian literature; decline
  of; how saved
Novel, meaning and history;
  precursors of; discovery of
Novelists, the first English.
  See Scott, Dickens, etc.
Novum Organum (or’g[)a]-num)

Ode on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity Ode to Dejection Ode to the West Wind Odes, Pindaric Odyssey, Pope’s; Chapman’s;
Old Fortunatus (for-t[=u]-n[=a]’tus) Oliver Cromwell, Carlyle’s Oliver Twist Origin of Species Orlando Furioso (or-lan’d[=o] foo-r[=e]-[=o]’s[=o]) Orm, or Orme; his Ormulum Orosius ([=o]-r[=o]’si-us), his history Ossian (osh’ian) and Ossianic poems Owl and Nightingale, The Oxford movement

P’s, The Four Palamon and Arcite (pal’a-mon, aer’-s[=i]te) Pamela (pam’e-lae) Pantisocracy (pan-t[=i]-sok’r[=a]-se), of Coleridge,
  Southey, etc.
Paradise Lost Paradise Regained Paradyse of Daynty Devises Paraphrase, of Caedmon Parish Register, The Pauline Pearl, The Pelham Pendennis Pepys, Samuel (pep’is, peeps, pips) Percy, Thomas Peregrine Pickle (per’e-grin) Pericles and Aspasia (per’i-kl[=e]z, as-p[=a]’shi-ae) Philistines, the Phoenix (f[=e]’nix) Pickwick Papers Piers Plowman (peers) Pilgrim’s Progress Pindaric odes (pin-daer’ic) Pippa Passes Plain Man’s Pathway to Heaven Plutarch’s Lives Poems by Two Brothers

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.