English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

Idealism of Victorian Age
Idols, of Bacon
Idylls of the King
Il Penseroso (il pen-s[)e]-r[=o]’s[=o])
Iliad, Pope’s translation;
Imaginary Conversations
Impeachment of Warren Hastings
In Memoriam
Instauratio Magna (in-sta-r[=a]’shi-o)
Intimations of Immortality

Jacobean poets
Jane Eyre (ar)
Jeffrey, Francis
Jest (or gest) books
Jew of Malta
John Gilpin
Johnson, Samuel; life;
  works; his conversations;
  Boswell’s Life of Johnson
Jonathan Wild
Jonson, Ben; life; works
Joseph Andrews
Journal of the Plague Year
Journal to Stella

Keats; life; works;
  place in literature
Kilmarnock Burns, the
Kings’ Treasuries
Kingsley, Charles
Knight’s Tale, The
Knox, John
Kubla Khan (kob’lae kaen)
Kyd, Thomas

L’Allegro (lael-[=a]’gr[=o])
Lady of the Lake
Lake poets, the
Lamb, Charles; life; works;
Lamb, Mary
Lamia (l[=a]’mi-ae)
Land of Cockaygne (k[)o]-kaen’)
Land of Dreams
Landor, Walter Savage; life;
Langland, William
Language, our first speech; dual
  character of; Teutonic origin
Last Days of Pompeii (pom-p[=a]’y[=e])
Law, Hooker’s idea of
Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity,
Lay Sermons
Lays of Ancient Rome
Lead, Kindly Light
Lectures on Shakespeare
Legends of Goode Wimmen
Lewes, George Henry
Liberty of Prophesying
Life, compared to a sea voyage
Life of Johnson
Life of Savage
Lindsay, David
Literary Club, the
Literary criticism. See also
  Critical writing.
Literary Reminiscences
Literature, definition; qualities;
  tests; object in studying; importance;
  Goethe’s definition;
  spirit of modern
Literature and Dogma
Lives, Plutarch’s; Walton’s
Lives of the Poets
Locke, John
Lockhart, John
Lorna Doone
Lost Leader, The
Lovelace, Richard
Lycidas (lis’[)i]-das)
Lydgate, John
Lyly, John (lil’[)i])
Lyra Apostolica
Lyrical Ballads
Lytton, Edward Bulwer

Macaulay; life; works;
Macpherson, James (mak-fer’son)
Magazines, the modern
Maldon, The Battle of
Mandeville’s Travels
Marlowe; life; works;
  and Milton; and Shakespeare
Marvell, Andrew
Massinger, Philip
Matter of France, Rome, and Britain
Memoirs of a Cavalier
Meredith, George

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.