English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

Faber, Frederick Fables, Dryden’s Faery Queen Fall of Princes Faust (foust), Faustus (fas’tus) Ferrex and Porrex Fielding,
Fight at Finnsburgh Fingal (fing’gal) First-folio Shakespeare Fletcher, Giles Fletcher, John Ford, John Formalism Four Georges, The Foxe, John Fragments of Ancient Poetry French influence in Restoration literature French language in England French Revolution, influence of French Revolution, Carlyle’s Fuller, Thomas

Gammer Gurton’s Needle
Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth
Gawain and the Green Knight (gae’-w[=a]n)
Gawain cycle of romances, 57
Gebir (g[=a]-b[=e]r’)
Geoffrey of Monmouth (jef’r[)i])
George Eliot;
  as a moralist
Gest (or jest) books
Geste of Robin Hood
  his history
Gifts of God, The
Girondists (j[)i]-ron’dists)
Gleemen, or minstrels
Good Counsel
Gorboduc (gor’b[=o]-duk)
Gorgeous Gallery
Grace Abounding
Gray, Thomas;
Greatest English Poets
Greene, Robert
Gregory, Pope
Grendel; story of;
  mother of
Grubb Street
Gulliver’s Travels
Gull’s Hornbook

Hakluyt, Richard (h[)a]k’loot)
  his criticism of Bacon
Hardy, Thomas
Hastings, battle of
Hathaway, Anne
Hazlitt, William
Hengist (h[)e]ng’gist)
Henry Esmond
Herbert, George;
  poetry of
Hero and Leander
Heroes and Hero Worship
Heroic couplet
Heroic Stanzas
Herrick, Robert
Hesperides and Noble Numbers (h[)e]s-p[)e]r’[)i]-d[=e]z)
Heywood, John
Heywood, Thomas
Hilda, abbess
Hildgund (hild’gund)
Historical novel
History, of England, Macaulay’s;
  of Frederick the Great, Carlyle’s;
  of Henry VIII, Bacon’s;
  of the Reformation in Scotland, Knox’s;
  of the Wortd, Raleigh’s
Hnaef (n[e=]f)
Hobbes, Thomas
Holofernes (hol-[=o]-fer’n[=e]z) in Judith
Holy and Profane State
Holy Living
Holy War
Homer, Chapman’s;
Hooker, Richard
Hooker, Thomas
Hours in a Library
Hours of Idleness
House of Fame
House of Life
Hrothgar (r[)o]th’gar)
Hudibras (h[=u]’d[)i]-bras)
Humphrey Clinker
Hunt, Leigh
Husband’s Message
Hygelac (h[=i]-j[=e]’lak)
Hymn book, first English
Hymn to Intellectual Beauty
Hymns, Addison’s;
Hypatia (h[=i]-p[=a]’shia)
Hyperion (h[=i]-p[=e]’r[)i]-on)

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.