English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.
   general plan of novels;
   his characters;
   his public;
Dictionary, Johnson’s
Discoverie of Guiana (g[=e]-ae’nae)
Divina Commedia (d[=e]-v[=e]’nae kom-m[=a]’d[=e]-ae)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Domestic drama
Donne, John
  his poetry
Dotheboys Hall (do-the-boys)
Drama, in Elizabethan Age
  periods of,
  miracle and mystery plays,
  classical influence on,
  the English,
  types of,
  decline of.
  See also Elizabethan Age, Shakespeare,
  Jonson, Marlowe, etc
Dramatic unities
Dramatists, methods of See
  Shakespeare, Marlowe, etc.
Drapier’s Letters
Drayton, Michael
Dream of Gerontius, The (j[)e]-r[)o]n’sh[)i]-us)
  criticism of Canterbury Tales
Duchess of Malfi (mael’f[=e])
Dunciad, The (dun’s[)i]-ad)

Ealhild, queen ([=e]-ael’hild)
Earthly Paradise
Eastward Ho
Economic conditions, in Age of Romanticism
Edgeworth, Maria
Edward II
Egoist, The
Eighteenth-Century Literature: 
  history of the period,
  literary characteristics,
  the Classic Age,
  Augustan writers,
  romantic revival,
  the first novelists,
  selections for reading,
Eikon Basilike ([=i]’kon b[)a]-sil’[)i]-k[=e])
Eikonoklastes ([=i]-kon-[=o]-klas’t[=e]z)
Elegy, Gray’s
Elizabethan Age
  non-dramatic poets,
  first dramatists,
  Shakespeare’s predecessors,
  Shakespeare’s contemporaries and successors,
  prose writers,
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers
English Humorists
English Idyls
Eormanric ([=e]-or’man-ric)
Epicaene ([)e]p’[=i]-sen), or The Silent Woman
Epithalamium ([)e]p-[)i]-th[=a]-l[=a]’m[)i]-um)
Essay concerning Human Understanding
Essay of Dramatic Poesy
Essay on Burns
Essay on Criticism
Essay on Man
Essay on Milton
Essays in Criticism
Essays of Elia ([=e]’l[)i]-ae)
Ethics of the Dust
Euphues and euphuism ([=u]’f[=u]-[=e]z)
Evans, Mary Ann. See George Eliot
Evelyn, John
Everlasting No, and Yea, The
Every Man in His Humour
Excursion, The
Exeter Book

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.