English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.
Canynge’s coffer
Carew, Thomas
Carlyle; life; works;
  style and message
Carols, in early plays
Casa Guidi Windows (kae’sae gw[=e]’d[=e])
Castell of Perseverance
Castle of Indolence
Cavalier poets
Caxton; specimen of printing
Celtic legends
Chanson de Gestes
Chanson de Roland
Chapman, George; his Homer;
  Keats’s sonnet on
Chatterton, Thomas
Chaucer, how to read; life;
  works; form of his poetry;
  melody; compared with Spenser
Chaucer, Age of:  history; writers;
  summary; selections for reading;
  bibliography; questions on; chronology
Chester plays
Cheyne Row
Childe Harold
Child’s Garden of Verses
Chocilaicus (k[=o]-kil-[=a]’[=i]-cus)
Christ, The, of Cynewulf
Christian Year
Christmas Carol, A
Christ’s Hospital, London
Chronicle, The Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle plays
Chronicles, riming
Chronology:  Anglo-Saxon Period;
  Norman-French; Age of Chaucer;
  Revival of Learning; Elizabethan;
  Puritan; Restoration; Eighteenth Century;
  Romanticism; Victorian
Citizen of the World
Classic and classicism
Classic influence on the drama
Cloister and the Hearth
Clough, Arthur Hugh
Cockaygne, Land of (k[=o]-k[=a]n’)
Coleridge; life; works; critiqal writings
Collier, Jeremy
Collins, William
Comedy, definition; first English; of the court
Complete Angler, The
Comus, Masque of
Conciliation with America, Burke’s speech
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
Consolations of Philosophy
Cotter’s Saturday Night
Couplet, the
Court comedies
Covenant of 1643
Coventry plays
Cowley, Abraham
Cowper, William; life; works
Crabbe, George
Crashaw, Richard
Critic, meaning of
Critical writing, Dryden; Coleridge;
  in Age of Romanticism;
  in Victorian Age
Criticism, Arnold’s definition
Cross, John Walter
Crown of Wild Olive
Culture and Anarchy
Curse of Jfehama (k[=e]-hae’mae)
Cursor Mundi
Cycles, of plays; of romances
Cynewulf (kin’[)e]-wulf), 36-38
Cynthia’s Revels (sin’thi-ae)

Daniel, Samuel
Daniel Deronda
D’Arblay, Madame (Fanny Burney)
Darwin and Darwinism
Death, Raleigh’s apostrophe to
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Defense of Poesie
Defensio pro Populo Anglicano
Defoe; life; works
Dekker, Thomas
Democracy and Romanticism;
  in Victorian Age
Dear’s Lament
De Quincey; life; works; style
De Sapientia Veterum
Deserted Village, The
Dethe of Blanche the Duchesse
Diary, Evelyn’s; Pepys’s; selections

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.