English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

Essays:  by Robertson, in Modern Humanists; by Saintsbury, in Corrected Impressions; by Brownell, Harrison, Forster (see above).

Macaulay.  Texts:  Complete works, edited by his sister, Lady Trevelyan (London, 1866); various editions of separate works (see Selections for Reading, above).  Life:  Life and Letters, by Trevelyan, 2 vols.; by Morrison (English Men of Letters).

Criticism:  Essays, by Bagehot, in Literary Studies; by L. Stephen, in Hours in a Library; by Saintsbury, in Corrected Impressions; by Harrison, in Studies in Early Victorian Literature; by Matthew Arnold.

Newman.  Texts:  Uniform edition of important works (London, 1868-1881); Apologia (Longmans); Selections (Holt, Riverside Literature, etc.).  Life:  Jennings’s Cardinal Newman; Button’s Cardinal Newman; Early Life, by F. Newman; by Waller and Barrow, in Westminster Biographies.  See also Church’s The Oxford Movement; Fitzgerald’s Fifty Years of Catholic Life and Progress.

Criticism:  Essays, by Donaldson, in Five Great Oxford Leaders; by Church, in Occasional Papers, vol. 2; by Gates, in Three Studies in Literature; by Jacobs, in Literary Studies; by Hutton, in Modern Guides of English Thought; by Lilly, in Essays and Speeches; by Shairp, in Studies in Poetry and Philosophy.  See also Button’s Cardinal Newman.

Rossetti.  Works, 2 vols. (London, 1901).  Selections, in Golden Treasury Series.  Life:  by Knight (Great Writers); by Sharp; Hall Caine’s Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Gary’s The Rossettis; Marillier’s Rossetti; Wood’s Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement; W.M.  Hunt’s Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.

Criticism:  Tirebuck’s Rossetti, his Work and Influence.  Essays:  by Swinburne, in Essays and Studies; by Forman, in Our Living Poets; by Pater, in Ward’s English Poets; by F.W.H.  Myers, in Essays Modern.

Morris.  Texts:  Story of the Glittering Plain, House of the Wolfings, etc.  (Reeves & Turner); Early Romances, in Everyman’s Library; Sigurd the Volsung, in Camelot Series; Socialistic writings (Humboldt Publishing Co.).  Life:  by Mackail; by Cary; by Vallance.

Criticism:  Essays, by Symons, in Studies in Two Literatures; by Dawson, in Makers of Modern English; by Saintsbury, in Corrected Impressions.  See also Nordby’s Influence of Old Norse Literature.

Swinburne.  Texts:  Complete works (Chatto and Windus); Poems and Ballads (Lovell); Selections (Rivington, Belles Lettres Series, etc.).  Life:  Wratislaw’s Algernon Charles Swinburne, a Study.

Criticism:  Essays, by Forman, Saintsbury (see above); by Lowell, in My Study Windows; see also Stedman’s Victorian Poets.

Charles Keade.  Texts:  Cloister and the Hearth, in Everyman’s Library; various editions of separate novels.  Life:  by C. Reade.

Criticism:  Essay, by Swinburne, in Miscellanies.

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.