English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

3. Wordsworth.  Tell briefly the story of Wordsworth’s life, and name some of his best poems.  Why do the Lyrical Ballads (1798) mark an important literary epoch?  Read carefully, and make an analysis of the “Intimations of Immortality”; of “Tintern Abbey.”  Can you explain what political conditions are referred to in Wordsworth’s “Sonnet on Milton”? in his “French Revolution”?  Does he attempt to paint a picture in his sonnet on Westminster Bridge, or has he some other object in view?  What is the central teaching of the “Ode to Duty”?  Compare Wordsworth’s two Skylark poems with Shelley’s.  Make a brief comparison between Wordsworth’s sonnets and those of Shakespeare and of Milton, having in mind the thought, the melody, the view of nature, and the imagery of the three poets.  Quote from Wordsworth’s poems to show his belief that nature is conscious; to show the influence of nature on man; to show his interest in children; his sensitiveness to sounds; to illustrate the chastening influence of sorrow.  Make a brief comparison between the characters of Wordsworth’s “Michael” and of Burns’s “The Cotter’s Saturday Night.”  Compare Wordsworth’s point of view and method, in the three poems “To a Daisy,” with Burns’s view, as expressed in his famous lines on the same subject.

4. Coleridge.  What are the general characteristics of Coleridge’s life?  What explains the profound sympathy for humanity that is reflected in his poems?  For what, beside his poems, is he remarkable?  Can you quote any passages from his poetry which show, the influence of Wordsworth?  What are the characters in “The Ancient Mariner”?  In what respect is this poem romantic?  Give your own reasons for its popularity.  Does the thought or the style of this poem impress you?  If you have read any of the Lectures on Shakespeare, explain why Coleridge’s work is called romantic criticism.

5. Scott.  Tell the story of Scott’s life, and name his chief poems and novels.  Do you recall any passage from his poetry which suggests his own heroism?  Why was he called “the wizard of the North”?  What is the general character of his poetry?  Compare Marmion with one of the old ballads, having in mind the characters, the dramatic interest of the story, and the style of writing.  In what sense is he the creator of the historical novel?  Upon what does he depend to hold the reader’s attention?  Compare him, in this respect, with Jane Austen.  Which of his characters impress you as being the most lifelike?  Name any novels of the present day which copy Scott or show his influence.  Read Ivanhoe and the Lady of the Lake; make a brief analysis of each work, having in mind the style, the plot, the dramatic interest, the use of adventure, and the truth to nature of the different characters.

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.