English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

Shelley.  Texts:  Centenary Edition, edited by Woodberry, 4 vols.; Globe and Cambridge Poets editions; Essays and Letters, in Camelot Series (see Selections for Reading, above).  Life:  by Symonds (English Men of Letters); by Dowden, 2 vols.; by Sharp (Great Writers); by T. J. Hogg, 2 vols.; by W. M. Rossetti.  Criticism:  Salt’s A Shelley Primer; Essays, by Dowden, in Transcripts and Studies; by M. Arnold, Woodberry, Bagehot, Forster, L. Stephen, Brooke, De Quincey, and Hutton (see Coleridge and Wordsworth, above).

Keats.  Texts:  Complete Works, edited by Forman, 4 vols. (London, 1883); Cambridge Poets Edition, with Letters, edited by H. E. Scudder (Houghton, Mifflin); Aldine Edition, with Life, edited by Lord Houghton (Macmillan); Selected Poems, with introduction and notes by Arlo Bates (Ginn and Company); Poems, also in Everyman’s Library, Muses’ Library, Golden Treasury, etc.; Letters, edited by S. Colvin, in Eversley Edition.  Life:  by Forman, in Complete Works; by Colvin (English Men of Letters); by W. M. Rossetti (Great Writers); by A. E. Hancock.  Criticism:  H. C. Shelley’s Keats and His Circle; Masson’s Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and Other Essays; Essays, by M. Arnold, in Essays in Criticism, also in Ward’s English Poets, vol. 4; by Hudson, in Studies in Interpretation; by Lowell, in Among My Books, or Literary Essays, vol. 2; by Brooke, De Quincey, and Swinburne (above).

Lamb.  Texts:  Complete Works and Letters, edited by E. V. Lucas, 7 vols.  (Putnam); the same, edited by Ainger, 6 vols. (London, 1883-1888); Essays of Elia, in Standard English Classics, etc. (see Selections for Reading); Dramatic Essays, edited by B. Matthews (Dodd, Mead); Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, in Bohn’s Library.  Life:  by E. V. Lucas, 2 vols.; by Ainger (English Men of Letters); by Barry Cornwall; Talfourd’s Memoirs of Charles Lamb.  Criticism:  Essays, by De Quincey, in Biographical Essays; by F. Harrison, in Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill, and Other Literary Estimates; by Pater, and Woodberry (see Wordsworth and Coleridge, above).  See also Fitzgerald’s Charles Lamb, his Friends, his Haunts, and his Books.

De Quincey.  Texts:  Collected Writings, edited by Masson, 14 vols.  (London, 1889-1891); Confessions of an Opium-Eater, etc. (see Selections for Reading).  Life:  by Masson (English Men of Letters); Life and Writings, by H. A. Page, 2 vols.; Hogg’s De Quincey and his Friends; Findlay’s Personal Recollections of De Quincey; see also De Quincey’s Autobiographical Sketches, and Confessions.  Criticism:  Essays, by Saintsbury, in Essays in English Literature; by Masson, in Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and Other Essays; by L. Stephen, in Hours in a Library.  See also Minto’s Manual of English Prose Literature.

Landor.  Texts:  Works, with Life by Forster, 8 vols. (London, 1876); Works, edited by Crump (London, 1897); Letters, etc., edited by Wheeler (London, 1897 and 1899); Imaginary Conversations, etc. (see Selections for Reading).  Life:  by Colvin (English Men of Letters); by Forster.  Criticism:  Essays, by De Quincey, Woodberry, L. Stephen, Saintsbury, Swinburne, Dow-den (see above).  See also Stedman’s Victorian Poets.

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English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.