English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

De Quincey.  The English Mail-Coach and Joan of Arc, in Standard English Classics, etc.; Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, in Temple Classics, Morley’s Universal Library, Everyman’s Library, Pocket Classics, etc.; Selections, edited by M. H. Turk, in Athenaeum Press; Selections, edited by B. Perry (Holt).

Landor.  Selections, edited by W. Clymer, in Athenaeum Press; Pericles and Aspasia, in Camelot Series; Imaginary Conversations, selected (Ginn and Company); the same, 2 vols., in Dutton’s Universal Library; selected poems, in Canterbury Poets; selections, prose and verse, in Golden Treasury Series.

Jane Austen.  Pride and Prejudice, in Everyman’s Library, Pocket Classics, etc.


HISTORY.  Text-book, Montgomery, pp. 323-357; Cheyney, 576-632. General Works.  Green, X, 2-4, Traill, Gardiner, Macaulay, etc. Special Works.  Cheyney’s Industrial and Social History of England; Warner’s Landmarks of English Industrial History; Hassall’s Making of the British Empire; Macaulay’s William Pitt; Trevelyan’s Early Life of Charles James Fox; Morley’s Edmund Burke; Morris’s Age of Queen Anne and the Early Hanoverians.

LITERATURE.  General Works. Mitchell, Courthope, Garnett and Gosse, Taine (see General Bibliography). Special Works.  Beers’s English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century; A. Symons’s The Romantic Movement in English Poetry; Dowden’s The French Revolution and English Literature, also Studies in Literature, 1789-1877; Hancock’s The French Revolution and the English Poets; Herford’s The Age of Wordsworth (Handbooks of English Literature); Mrs. Oliphant’s Literary History of England in the End of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth Centuries; Saintsbury’s History of Nineteenth Century Literature; Masson’s Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and Other Essays; Poets and Poetry of the Nineteenth Century, vols. 1-3; Gates’s Studies and Appreciations; S. Brooke’s Studies in Poetry; Rawnsley’s Literary Associations of the English Lakes (2 vols.).

Wordsworth.  Texts:  Globe, Aldine, Cambridge editions, etc.; Poetical and Prose Works, with Dorothy Wordsworth’s Journal, edited by Knight, Eversley Edition (London and New York, 1896); Letters of the Wordsworth Family, edited by Knight, 3 vols. (Ginn and Company); Poetical Selections, edited by Dowden, in Athenaeum Press; various other selections, in Golden Treasury, etc.; Prose Selections, edited by Gayley (Ginn and Company).  Life:  Memoirs, 2 vols., by Christopher Wordsworth; by Knight, 3 vols.; by Myers (English Men of Letters); by Elizabeth Wordsworth; Early Life (a Study of the Prelude) by E. Legouis, translated by J. Matthews; Raleigh’s Wordsworth; N.C.  Smith’s Wordsworth’s Literary Criticism; Rannie’s Wordsworth and His Circle.  Criticism:  Herford’s The Age of Wordsworth; Masson’s Wordsworth, Shelley,

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.