English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

SELECTIONS FOR READING.  Manly’s English Poetry and Manly’s English Prose (each one vol.) contain good selections from all authors studied.  Ward’s English Poets (4 vols.), Craik’s English Prose Selections (5 vols.), Braithwaite’s The Book of Georgian Verse, Page’s British Poets of the Nineteenth Century, and Garnett’s English Prose from Elizabeth to Victoria, may also be used to advantage.  Important works, however, should be read entire in one of the inexpensive school editions given below. (Full titles and publishers may be found in the General Bibliography at the end of this book.)

Wordsworth.  Intimations of Immortality, Tintern Abbey, best lyrics and sonnets, in Selections, edited by Dowden (Athenaeum Press Series); selections and short poems, edited by M. Arnold, in Golden Treasury Series; Selections, also in Everyman’s Library, Riverside Literature Series, Cassell’s National Library, etc.

Coleridge.  Ancient Mariner, edited by L. R. Gibbs, in Standard English Classics; same poem, in Pocket Classics, Eclectic English Classics, etc.; Poems, edited by J. M. Hart, in Athenaeum Press (announced, 1909); Selections, Golden Book of Coleridge, in Everyman’s Library; Selections from Coleridge and Campbell, in Riverside Literature; Prose Selections (Ginn and Company, also Holt); Lectures on Shakespeare, in Everyman’s Library, Bohn’s Standard Library, etc.

Scott.  Lady of the Lake, Marmion, Ivanhoe, The Talisman, Guy Mannering, Quentin Durward.  Numerous inexpensive editions of Scott’s best poems and novels in Standard English Classics, Pocket Classics, Cassell’s National Library, Eclectic English Classics, Everyman’s Library, etc.; thus, Lady of the Lake, edited by Edwin Ginn, and Ivanhoe, edited by W. D. Lewis, both in Standard English Classics; Marmion, edited by G. B. Acton, and The Talisman, edited by F. Treudly, in Pocket Classics, etc.

Byron.  Mazeppa and The Prisoner of Chillon, edited by S. M. Tucker, in Standard English Classics; short poems, Selections from Childe Harold, etc., in Canterbury Poets, Riverside Literature, Holt’s English Readings, Pocket Classics, etc.

Shelley.  To a Cloud, To a Skylark, West Wind, Sensitive Plant, Adonais, etc., all in Selections from Shelley, edited by Alexander, in Athenaeum Press Series; Selections, edited by Woodberry, in Belles Lettres Series; Selections, also in Pocket Classics, Heath’s English Classics, Golden Treasury Series, etc.

Keats.  Ode on a Grecian Urn, Eve of St. Agnes, Hyperion, Lamia, To a Nightingale, etc., in Selections from Keats, in Athenaeum Press; Selections also in Muses’ Library, Riverside Literature, Golden Treasury Series, etc.

Lamb.  Essays:  Dream Children, Old China, Dissertation on Roast Pig, etc., edited by Wauchope, in Standard English Classics; various essays also in Camelot Series, Temple Classics, Everyman’s Library, etc.  Tales from Shakespeare, in Home and School Library (Ginn and Company); also in Riverside Literature, Pocket Classics, Golden Treasury, etc.

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.