English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 782 pages of information about English Literature.

Crabbe.  Works, with memoir by his son, G. Crabbe, 8 vols. (London, 1834-1835); Poems, edited by A.W.  Ward, 3 vols., in Cambridge English Classics (Cambridge, 1905); Selections, in Temple Classics, Canterbury Poets, etc.  Life:  by Kebbel (Great Writers); by Ainger (English Men of Letters).  Essays, by L. Stephen, in Hours in a Library; by Woodberry, in Makers of Literature; by Saintsbury, in Essays in English Literature; by Courthope, in Ward’s English Poets; by Edward Fitzgerald, in Miscellanies; by Hazlitt, in Spirit of the Age.

Macpherson.  Texts:  Ossian, in Canterbury Poets; Poems, translated by Macpherson, edited by Todd (London, 1888).  Life and Letters, edited by Saunders (London, 1894).  Criticism:  J.S.  Smart’s James Macpherson (Nutt, 1905).  See also Beers’s English Romanticism.  For relation of Macpherson’s work to the original Ossian, see Dean of Lismore’s Book, edited by MacLauchlan (Edinburgh, 1862); also Poems of Ossian, translated by Clerk (Edinburgh, 1870).

Chatterton.  Works, edited by Skeat (London, 1875); Poems, in Canterbury Poets.  Life:  by Russell; by Wilson; Masson’s Chatterton, a Biography.  Criticism:  C.E.  Russell’s Thomas Chatterton (Moffatt, Yard & Company); Essays, by Watts-Dunton, in Ward’s English Poets; by Masson, in Essays Biographical and Critical.  See also Beers’s English Romanticism.

Percy.  Reliques, edited by Wheatley (London, 1891); the same, in Everyman’s Library, Chandos Classics, etc.  Essay, by J.W.  Hales, Revival of Ballad Poetry, in Folia Literaria.  See also Beers’s English Romanticism, etc. (Special works, above.)

Defoe.  Texts:  Romances and Narratives, edited by Aitken (Dent); Poems and Pamphlets, in Arber’s English Garner, vol. 8; school editions of Robinson Crusoe, and Journal of the Plague Year (Ginn and Company, etc.); Captain Singleton, and Memoirs of a Cavalier, in Everyman’s Library; Early Writings, in Carisbrooke Library (Routledge).  Life:  by W. Lee; by Minto (English Men of Letters); by Wright; also in Westminster Biographies (Small, Maynard).  Essay, by L. Stephen, in Hours in a Library.

Richardson.  Works:  edited by L. Stephen (London, 1883); edited by Philips, with life (New York, 1901); Correspondence, edited by A. Barbauld, 6 vols. (London, 1804).  Life:  by Thomson; by A. Dobson.  Essays, by L. Stephen, in Hours in a Library; by A. Dobson, in Eighteenth Century Vignettes.

Fielding.  Works:  Temple Edition, edited by Saintsbury (Dent); Selected Essays, in Athenaeum Press; Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon, in Cassell’s National Library.  Life:  by Dobson (English Men of Letters); Lawrence’s Life and Times of Fielding.  Essays, by Lowell; by Thackeray; by L. Stephen; by A. Dobson (see above); by G.B.  Smith, in Poets and Novelists.

Smollett.  Works, edited by Saintsbury (London, 1895); Works, edited by Henley (Scribner).  Life:  by Hannah (Great Writers); by Smeaton; by Chambers.  Essays, by Thackeray; by Henley; by Dobson, in Eighteenth Century Vignettes.

Project Gutenberg
English Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.